26. Rhino

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And Peter thought he had seen it all.

It was a giant metal rhino, with a horn and everything. It was pushing cars out of its way and bulldozing through the street toward them. Police arrived and got out their cars, some training their guns on the Rhino and others working to hold back the crowd that were forming on the sidewalk to watch the action. They had been running for their lives before, but once Spider-Man and Werewolf arrived, they came back lightning fast. They were mostly the people from the convention, still in their costumes and cheering the heroes on.

"Call it, Karen," Jack snorted.

It's heavily armored with an outer titanium alloy layer, impenetrable by gunfire. There's someone operating it from the inside, and it has several anti-tank missiles. There's also a cannon blaster that can decimate a small vehicle.

"What she say?" The werewolf asked, shaking out his shoulders to loosen up before the inevitable clash.

"It's big and has a lot of guns," Peter replied as he fully activated his webshooters.

Close enough.

The Rhino slammed its forefeet on the cement, and it fired a missile that destroyed a nearby cop car. The flying debris caused everybody to scatter away, pieces of metal clanging to the ground. Jack pushed a few cars to the side of the street to clear a path, and he shuttered visibly.

"He's definitely big," he affirmed, "God, why'd I leave my armor at home?"

At that phrase, Peter turned to the sidewalk, where Ned was standing away from the crowd with his phone out. Peter jumped over to him and shouted, "you there! Backpack!"

The last thing he needed was people swarming Ned because Spider-Man somehow knew his name.

His friend was confused for a second before eventually slipping it off his shoulders and throwing it as far as he could into the street. Peter ran to it and quickly shuffled around its contents before finding what he was looking for. He held up the disc and called Jack's name, who turned just in time to see the wallcrawler through it at him.

Jack caught it with a relieved smile before slamming it against his chest. Almost instantly, it started to expand, wrapping around the werewolf's torso and matching white fur. It got bulkier around his back until it completed its transformation, locking around his person like the protective casing it was. People cheered as he squared his shoulders, and he released a roar so loud that it shook the buildings. The people only cheered louder.

The Rhino then zeroed its cannon blaster at him and fired, the repulser bolt hitting him right in the chest. Peter jumped out of the way, the blast so powerful that it sent his friend back an entire block. It was too bad, his entrance had been amazingly cool.

"Karen, we need to disable that thing," Peter said, and his A.I immediately started looking for weak spots in the metal suit's armor.

That cannon is going to need time to recharge.

An annoyed groan came from his earpiece, and was followed shortly by a determined snort.

"Okay, if that's how it's gonna be," Jack growled, and Peter suddenly saw him sprint by at top speed. His arm sleeve was gone and his ears were laid flat against his head. He sounded pissed off and determined. The Rhino then bent down its head, horn glistening as it charged also, its lumbering size inhibiting its speed.

They collided so hard that it sent up a cloud of dust.

Jack took the hit so well that he somehow took hold of the Rhino's horn and lifted, using the bot's momentum to bring its back feet off the ground. Peter swung around from behind it and kicked its rear end, making it fall onto its back just as Jack leapt out of the way. Peter attempted to web it down, but was abruptly disrupted when a shockwave went off, coming the Rhino's bulky figure. The blast was strong enough to knock Peter back into the building behind him and Jack further down the street. The wallcrawler crashed through a window and shook his head to clear it, afterward he ran back out and saw that the bot had somehow regained its feet. Jack too had regained his footing, and was now holding a manhole cover in his paw.

By Sunlight (P.P + M.J)Where stories live. Discover now