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Chloe's pov
It's been three weeks since Harry and I began dating. We were very nervous to tell our parents but once we did they were so happy for us and said they saw it coming. Anne invited me over for dinner a couple times to know me as Harry's girlfriend not as his friend. Same with my parents my dad was a little tough on Harry but now they become close and I'm glad they did. Gemma freaked because she made a bet with Harry that we'd date a month into us getting to know each other but she was very happy for both of us and always teases us.

School started last week which sucks because no one likes school. Harry has made quite some friends and there's been tons of girls drooling over him but I don't get jealous because why should I? He's my boyfriend and I trust him not to do anything. I remember the first day he was very nervous that he wouldn't make any friends but I introduced him into some guys I was friends with and they hit it off. Harry and I sit together at lunch with our friends and have some classes together. Some girls ask how I met him because everyone knows he's new. My friends always tell me that some girls try invite him to parties or to hangout after school and the answer is always no. Which melts my heart because he's loyal to me.

I stand at my locker waiting for Harry. We have study hall and he promised to help me with my English presentation.

Me: hey where are you? I'm waiting by my locker.

Harry<3: turn around baby girl.

I looked up from my phone and turned around to find a cheeky smiling Harry with Sunflowers in his hand. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're amazing you know that right?"I asked pecking his lips.

"only because you bring it out of me"He said and kissed my lips.

"Whoa get it Styles"I hear someone yell and a whistle. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Fuck off Chase"I tell him and flip him off. Harry just chuckles as he hugs me from behind.

"Are you guys going to Taylor's tonight?"He asked and I just look at Harry and he repeatedly nods his head no.

"Who's Taylor?"I asked.

"Oh some girl in our gym class she said she could give Harry a good suck at her party tonight and Harry was like okay bet and you know me I'm always rooting for my boy."He chuckled and I turn around and pulling Harry's arm off of me. Chase notices what he did and he just excuses himself walking away.

"You said okay bet?"I said looking at him crossing my arms.

"It was a joke baby calm down do you really think I would go?"He laughs and I stand there not laughing along.

"What?"He asked and I turn around shoving the flowers in my locker walking away.

"Chloe c'mon I wasnt thinking obviously I'm sorry baby I thought it was funny and I apologize there's no other girl I would rather be with than you"He says as he spins me around so I face him.

"Fine but I'm still mad that you would ever say that. Girls talk you know? She probably told everyone that you were going to cheat on me tonight"I sighed.

"Well it's not true so it doesn't matter it's only me and you"He says as he kissed me passionately.

"Are we good?"He asked and I simple nodded.

"Yeah we're fine and I believe you promised to help me with my English presentation."I said tugging him towards the library and he groaned.

We made it to the Library and we both sat down at a computer. I took out my things and began typing up my biography on myself.

"This is boring"He said and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Harry I asked if you wanted to come and you said yes I didn't force you"I said and sigh.

"I know baby I wanted to spend time with you but you're not even paying attention to me"He whined like a little kid. I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine. What do you want to do then?"I asked and he stood up and put his hand out. I grabbed it and he walked me towards the back of the library.

"Where are we going Harry?"I asked in an annoyed voice.

"Shh no talking"He said as he pushed me against the bookshelf and attached his lips to mine. He laid one hand on my waist and another on my butt. He gently squeezed it making me moan softly.

"We have to be quiet baby or someone is going to hear us"He said against my ear sending goosebumps down my body. He kissed down my neck softly sucking on my neck leaving a mark.

"Harry"I softly moan.

"Yes baby say my name"He said massaging my breast from underneath my shirt. I grabbed his hands which made him pull his lips from my neck looking at me confused.

"Not here babe I'd rather do it in my bedroom or yours instead of the library floor"I said and kissed his lips. I grabbed his hand leading him back to where we were before.

"Fine but this is mine tonight"He said and slapped my ass.

"Harry!" I squealed and he just chuckled. This boy drives me insane.

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