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I sat eager in front of the tv waiting for Harry to come onstage. I've been texting him constantly all day and he's been a bit busy to reply but here and there he sends me small texts apologizing that he can't get a chance to text me back. I happened to be with Louis who just gotten back from Puerto Rico and he's been bragging about his tan skin and saying how I look like a ghost compared to him.

"Louis!!"I basically yell in his ear, "It's him!"I squeal as I hit his arm repeatedly.

"Bitch if you don't stop I won't live to see him preform"He says making me laugh.

"What's your name, where are you from and tell us a bit about yourself" Simon Cowell says and I can tell Harry looks nervous by his facial expressions.

"Well My name is Harry Styles I'm originally from Holmes Chapel, UK but I moved this past summer for a fresh start with my family. I currently live in Orange County, I'm 18 and I'm here with my mum"He says and smiles wide showing his dimples. God he's so stunning. The camera turns to face Anne and she just smiles and waves.

"You're a charm aren't you?"Cheryl asks and the crowd cheers. Harry just blushes and looks down shaking his head.

"So what are you singing today?"Simon asks.

"I'm doing a cover of Girl Crush by Little Big Town and this is dedicated to my girlfriend" He says and my heart immediately melts. I told him that's my favorite song and I can't believe he remembered.

"That's you!"Louis yells and nudges my arm.

"I know!"I squeal. I love how we are fangirling over my boyfriend.

"Okay good luck"Simon says and the song starts playing. 

My eyes never leave Harry's face as he sings. His voice is so soft and full of emotion I can't help but smile like an idiot. I watch as he strums his guitar I still remember the first time he told me he played, I never imagine him as a song writer/ singer. His voice is a gift from god how could someone sound so good and look so gorgeous. The song finishes and the whole crowd stands up cheering and even the judges stand up as well. Harry smiles wide and bows saying thank you to the crowd and judges.

"Wow. You are just breathtaking and your voice is unbelievable"Nicole Scherzinger says and Harry says thank you in the microphone.

"Nicole just said that about my boyfriend!!"I tell Louis and he nods obviously not listening to me.

"You're so gorgeous and your voice makes you ten times better I'm pretty sure all the ladies can agree with me on this"Cheryl says and the girls roar from the crowd. Yeah he's hot but he's my mans so back off ladies.

"Girll you better get your boy before someone does"Louis says and I just hit his leg shushing him.

"They said it all you're so amazing and I don't know why you haven't been discovered yet because I know you can be something"Demi says and my jaw drops. Demi Lovato just said that about my boyfriend.

"I hope so too thank you"Harry says and looks at Simon with hopeful eyes.

"Alright let's hear the votes"Simon says and I immediately grab my phone setting it on the counter, so Louis and I are in full view of the camera.

"Yes"Nicole says

"Another yes from me"Cheryl says

"A definite yes from me"Demi smiles and I grab Louis's hand as I squeeze it hard.

"Please please"I whisper and the crowd goes silent waiting for Simons Cowell's respond.

"What the hell"He says and presses the gold buzzer. Louis and I scream at the top of my lungs and I jump onto Louis. I've never been so happy in my life. I'm in tears of joy right now. We're both jumping up and down screaming.

I watch as Harry's face is over come with shock and he runs to his mom. Anne is in full tears and she hugs Harry. Harry runs down to go hug Simon and thank him.

"See you in the last round"Simon says and Harry goes back on stage and takes one last bow before thanking the crowd. I'm still jumping up and down and so is Louis. I grab my phone pausing the video and immediately send it to Harry and text him a paragraph saying how proud I am of him and I knew he'd do amazing.

"What's all the screaming for?"Sonja asks and I just run and hug her so tight.

"Harry got a gold buzzer on the X Factor"I say and she screams then covers her mouth making me laugh.

"That's amazing tell him I said congratulations" She smiles and goes to clean up after Louis and I. I help her and once I'm finished Louis and I run up to my bedroom and grab my laptop immediately FaceTiming Harry. After the third ring he answers and I see his eyes that are red from tears and the biggest smile ever.

"I did it babe!"He says

"You were amazing and that song. Harry that made my heart melt and omg you make me so happy"I told him with a big smile.

"All for you baby and I can't believe I got the gold buzzer I assumed I would just get a yes from every judge and my heart is beating so fast right now"He tells me and I can see that's he's at loss of words.

"That's great I'm proud of you and I'm with Louis he says congrats"I tell him as I turn the camera to Louis and he just waves.

"Congrats you deserved it"He says and Harry says a quick thank you before telling us he has to go, we say our goodbye and he hangs up.

"Well he seemed happy"Louis said and I simply nodded.

"Yeah He was and I'm happy for him I can't believe this"I say smacking Louis.

"Girl stop or I'm leaving"He says rolling his eyes and I laugh. I go on twitter and watch as everyone is tweeting about my boyfriend. This is insane my boyfriend is basically famous now but I hope the spotlight doesn't change him. I know it won't because I know Harry well at least I hope I do.

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