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"Mom what do you mean I'm not ready? I've basically been on my own and what's so bad about online schooling? I promise to put as much effort into school as I've been doing." I tell my mom in an annoyed tone. She doesn't think I'm ready to live on my own. I have so much money saved up since when I started working. I don't spend any because my parents set me a spending account which I only use for food or clothing but it's their money so I just have money in my bank account.

"Chloe I just don't this is a good idea. I know this is your dream job but I don't know if you are financially ready. Yes, you have money but do you know how much it is to rent an apartment? It's more likely thousand of dollars and your dad and I aren't paying for it." She tells me and I just roll my eyes getting up.

"I don't need your money mom I have money and I'll be getting paid a lot for this modeling job. I think I am ready and I'm 18 you can't tell me what to do."

"My roof my rules"She tells me and I sigh.

"I'm talking to my school about online schooling because this will be easier for me mom. Driving back and forth will cost me so much money for gas. The amount of money I spend on gas could be used to pay for an apartment which would make everything easier and mom I will always visit when I get a chance just please trust me on this. I know I can do this and I know I will be okay." I assure her and I watch as she sighs and rubs her temple thinking.

"Fine,"She says and I almost choke on my spit, "If you think you are ready then fine. I just don't want you asking me for any money when I clearly told you that you weren't ready." She says.

"Thank you! Thank you I won't disappoint you." I tell her with the biggest smile and hug her. "You're telling dad!" I yell as I run up to my bedroom closing the door before she starts arguing with me again. First thing first, text Louis.

Bitch guess what!!?

Louis: what

I'm moving to LA !!!!

Louis: um no you're not leaving me in this shit school

Oh but I am! My mom said yes and it's gonna be easier with my modeling events.

Louis: you're gonna visit me right?

Obviously why wouldn't I?

Louis: okay then well congrats boo! Another celebration we should go and get drunk.

Um no I can't do anything that can hurt my reputation since now I'm apart of of modeling agency.

Louis: boo hoo you whore.

I just laugh out loud and leave him on read. I begin searching for apartments online. Like real cheap apartments or someone who's interested in a roommate. I'm a little skeptical when it comes to rooming with someone because you don't know the person so maybe living on my own is better. I heart a couple one bedroom apartments that are big enough for me to live in until one day I buy a house of my own when I have a family of course. I found a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment which has a perfect view of the city and right near the beach it's almost in the center of everything so I won't have to drive much hopefully and I can just walk to places easily.

I was debating either to email my school or talk to them in person? Or I could just have my mom call and talk to them? Yeah seems about right I'll talk to her later about that. I lay on bed scrolling through my Instagram deciding what to caption my picture. Maybe something sorta shady to Harry and say how I'm happier now. Something cheesy about new beginnings.

I posted the picture and I captioned it as "Happy girl"

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I posted the picture and I captioned it as "Happy girl". I love this picture, Louis took it a couple days after my breakup with Harry. He said to act natural and I couldn't help but laugh and try to grab my phone from him. The picture ended up being one my favorites and I genuinely do look happy and I'm glad.

Many comments and likes began to flood in as soon as I posted it. Most comments were about Harry and I just rolled my eyes and ignore them. Others were people hyping me up and I liked their comment. I exited the app and moved onto Twitter when I can across a tweet

@TMZ : Rumors confirmed of Harry Styles cheating on ex-girlfriend Chloe West. I guess you could say fame does change people?

There was a link to the article under the tweet and I couldn't help but click it. I scanned the whole article and one specific paragraph caught my eyes. It said something about some girl who hooked up with Harry, she was on the show too, during the X Factor finalist party held at Turnt up Club. He told her that he dumped me and he was single. I allowed some tears to slide down my face as the girl tweeted pictures of them kissing and her laying on his bare chest while she obviously naked. Harry wasn't even conscious in the picture. I threw my phone at the floor and curled up in my bed.

"Breath Chloe. Breath Chloe. Breath Chloe" I repeated to myself trying to calm down the tears. I took a couple deep breaths before getting up and looking at myself in the mirror. I wiped the tears away and before I knew what I was doing I was out the door and knocking on Anne's door. She opened and she stood there surprised that I stood infront of her.

"I know I look like a mess but can you please tell Harry to call me or can I have his new number?"I croaked and my voice showed obvious signs that I was crying.

"Oh dear, I would love to but I can't. He told me specifically not to."She apologized as she held her hand to her chest.

"Tell him I came by." I said and turned away with tears down my face. My mascara was probably running.

A black Range Rover pulled up in front of me. I looked up at the driver seat and my eyes locked with a pair of green eyes.

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