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"I don't know what to do Louis"I said as I laid back in my bed with my makeup running down my face.

"Well for starters you could wipe off your face"he said and handed me a makeup wipe, "Honey I don't know what to tell you he came back and told you he loved you now it's up to you. You have to decide if you want him back." He said while rubbing my thigh.

"I don't know what I want though. I'm not sure if I can trust him, trust isn't just given you know?"I said while wiping my face.

"Just try to forgive him. Some day you'll have to and put it past you. I say you go and talk to him about what happened. If you really don't want to get back together at least end on good terms do this for yourself and for your career. You're going to meet lots of new people but don't let this affect the way you'll forever see relationships."He explained and I sat there rubbing my temple.

"You're right"I said, "I should call him. I'm calling him"I grabbed my phone but then remembered he blocked me.

"I'll be right back"I said and made my way to Harry's front door. I was still wearing the white dress but I was barefoot and had no makeup on. Maybe come back when I look presentable. As I went to turn around the front door swung open to revel Harry and the girl exiting holding hands. I looked at him in the eyes then her. She really was pretty. Tall, tan skin, brunette and skinny.

"Chloe..."He said and I just raised my hand to stop him from speaking.

"You have my number call me because I want to talk. Have a good night"I told him and smiled at the girl while making my way back to my house. I made my way inside and closed the door.

"That was fast.."Louis said while plopping down on the couch.

"Yeah well he was with her and I didn't want to talk to him while she was there."I explained to Louis and he just nodded.

"Is she even pretty?"He asked clicking through the channels.

"Extremely, she's tall and brunette. She wasn't wearing any makeup so she's natural pretty and I'm not so he obviously found someone better. Ugh he's not even mine why do I care?"I groaned and sat down with my hands hitting my forehead.

"You'll be okay baby cakes"Louis said giving me an assuring smile.

"Ima shower let me know if he calls my phone is on the counter"I told him and made my way towards my bathroom. I started the water and stripped down naked. I get into the shower and let the water rinse my stress away. Why do I even care? I let him get the best of me and as soon as I think everything is going great he shows up. I wash my hair using the coconut shampoo that Harry loves. I sat down and broke down crying. I miss him but he's with her and obviously moved on. She's prettier than I am and if he really didn't want anything with her he wouldn't have brought her back to meet Anne. Oh Anne, I cried harder. Her and I had the best bond ever. That bond is long gone because of Harry.

"Chloe are you okay?"Louis asked and he lightly tapped on the door.

"Uhm yeah give me a second"I said standing up and turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way towards my closet. I pulled out an over size hoodie and underneath I wore a sports bra and a pair of Nike pros. I walked back downstairs where Louis was to find he was gone. He left me a little note on the coffee table.

Hey baby cakes sorry my mom really needed me and I know you were crying. It's okay princess call me if you need me and I'll be right over don't do anything stupid. Love you forever and always.
Love , Lou x

I sat down on the couch and grabbed my phone to see if there was any new messages or calls. There was nothing. I sat back on the couch with my knees in my chest and I rested my head upon them while closing my eyes. Then my phone rang without checking the caller ID I answered.

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