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It's been two days since I've thought about breaking it off with Harry. For the past days Harry is all over social media, a bunch of girls taking pictures with him, he's been partying with other famous artists and his following has grown. At school everyone tries to talk to me about Harry or tries to befriend me to get to Harry. It's like I'm under Harry's shadow and I've been feeling lonely for some time now. Harry rarely texts me anymore not even a small hey. Are we even dating at this point? There was rumors of Harry out with a girl at this X Factor party and they hooked up. There was pictures of them kissing it was too blurry to even tell. I cried myself to sleep that night, I could bring myself to ask him if it was true. I knew he would never cheat on me but do I even know him anymore?

Harry's become very popular now and since everyone knows I'm his girlfriend I've grown a big following too. Yeah I'd admit I like the attention but sometimes some people can be so nosy on our relationship. It's insane how people can make crazy rumors. Some people stop me in the mall or at public areas to take pictures. I always say yes but it's weird because I'm not the one who got a golden buzzer on the X Factor.

I started worrying less about Harry and began taking care of myself. I go to gym almost every day and go on runs early in the morning. I've lost so much weight but it's for the best. When Harry left I only stayed indoor and ate my feelings. I've started a healthier diet and I'm fit now. I'm glad I take care of myself. For the past days I've been getting emails for modeling companies asking if I'd to be a representative all because of Harry which I'm thankful for. I talked to my parents and they said it would be great recognition for me instead of being know as Harry's girlfriend.

Today I have a meeting with a model agency who said they would love to hire me and could get me to model for big companies.

"Chloe West"A lady calls out with a clipboard in her hand.

"Right here"I tell her and stand up making my towards her.

"Follow me please"She says and I nods as I follow her into a room full of men and women. It was kind of intimidating.

"Introduce yourself"One of the men says.

"I'm Chloe West, 18 almost 19 in the next month. Born and raised from Orange County. "I say and hand them my headshot along with my resume. They ask me to do simple tasks such as show my run way walk, pose and talk as if someone was interviewing me. They had me take a couple pictures and improvise poses to see if I would be able to work under pressure.

"Wow. You are such a natural and I'm glad to say welcome to our team Chloe West"John the owner of the company tells me. I can't help but squeal I run over and hug him.

"Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me"I tell him with the biggest smile possible.

"I'll email you all the details on any events that come up during the years. There's one next week for Forever 21 they are launching their spring break line and I'm sure they will chose you for one of the models."He says confidently, "Just sign these papers for me it's a contract to assure you that you know what you are signing up for we will moderate how you present yourself to the public and your social media imagine"He hands me a black ink pen and hands me a a packet that it at least 10 pages long. I skim through the paragraphs and sign my name proudly at the bottom of ever page.

"Welcome to the our family Chloe"He tells me and hugs me goodbye before the lady walks me out. I immediately text my parents the good news and I get to my car and call Louis. He doesn't pick up but I leave him a voicemail.

"Guess what bitch!? I got the job and next week I'm scheduled to meet with Forever 21 to see if I can be apart of their Spring Break Line! Call me when you can!"I say into the phone before hanging up.

I go to text Harry.

Hey babe! I got a job for a modeling agency and I'm scheduled to meet with Forever 21 to see if I can be apart of their Spring Break Line! How great is that?

My smile immediately drops as I see what shows up on my screen. Are you fucking joking?

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