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"Did you watch Harry's performance last night?"I ask Chase as he's throwing paper from across the room to the trash can.

"Nah I forgot how was he?"He asked

"He got a gold buzzer from Simon Cowell!"I smile wide.

"No way that's great! I have to text him later to congratulate him"He says and tries to throw a ball of paper into the recycle bin but misses. I just laugh along with everyone else and he just rolls his eyes and flips me off.

The bell rings. I sigh and make my way to my locker gathering my things and make my way to the library. I miss having Harry here, I'm all alone during school and don't eat with anyone. I would eat with Louis but he's with his other friends I don't want to bother. Chase said I could sit with him but I don't think that's a good idea his friends are all dicks. My friends are just annoying and I kind of ignored them since I got with Harry. Now I'm regretting it because I shouldn't have put him before my friends. I end up not going to library and just sit in the court yard. I sit at a table by myself and put my headphones in. I try to FaceTime Harry but he declines my call before it even reaches the third ring. My lips go from a smile to a frown.

Harry❣️: sorry baby can't talk I'm practicing right now I'll call you later tonight bye

I sigh and reread the message over and over. I miss him and it's only day two of him gone. I go on YouTube and watch his performance and I can't help but smile. He's so precious and I'm so lucky. I scroll through the comments and everyone is saying how great of a singer he is and some are rude. Some called him ugly and said he sounds like a whale. I want to reply and tell them they don't know what they are talking about but I decide against it.

Two weeks later

Harry and I haven't talked much since he's been gone for the X Factor. Anne came back home last week and I went over to spend a day with her so she wasn't lonely while Harry was away. Here and there I talk to Anne sometimes when I go get the mail or I go out with friends. It's sad that Harry and I grew distance from each other. He sends me morning and night messages but it's a small hey how are you conversation.

"Sonja I don't know what to do"I tell her as I fall back on my bed as I stare at the ceiling.

"Well what is your heart telling you what to do?"She asks.

"I really want to be with him I do but I don't know if I have patience to wait for him. We barely talk and if he doesn't have time for me then how is this relationship suppose to work. I miss spending every day with him and how he would play with my hair as we watched Netflix on the couch or on my bed. I miss the small moments with him when he would wave from his window to mine and how he would throw rocks at my window to get my attention late at night"I say and burry my face into a pillow.

"Do what is best for you Chloe, just make sure your decision won't affect the people around you and your relationship with his family"She reminds me before walking out. I check my phone to see if he texted me back but he hasn't. Maybe leaving him would be easier, it feels as if he isn't even mine anymore.

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