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I slowly began moving and rubbed my eyes. I sat and realized what happened last night. I looked around me I'm in Harry's shirt but he's not here. I rubbed my temple and rested my head in my hands.

"Here you go love"His raspy morning voice startled me.

My head shot up so fast and I hit my head on the cup full of hot coffee. Luckily Harry pulled the cup away before it could spill on me.

"You alright love?"He chuckled.

"Get out my mom is coming home soon she can't see you or me especially like this"I said and started gathering his things and giving it to him.

"C'mon I made you coffee and everything also your mom wouldn't mind she's seen me basically naked before"He said winking and I rolled my eyes.

"Get out"I said running my hand in my hair.

"I just need my shirt"He said with his hand out. I go and pull it over my head realizing I'm only in my underwear and no bra. I pull the shirt down quickly to cover my body.

"I was joking"He said and began laughing. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"Alright I'm out see you later love"He made his way out the door but not before running into my dad. Harry stood in front of him only in his boxers with his hair a mess and his pants and keys in his hand.

"I'm going to kill you"My dad shouted and went to punch him but Harry dodged it.

"Dad stop!"I yelled and ran over. My dad looked at me with disappointment seeing me in Harry's shirt. "Dad I promise it was nothing like that he got locked out of his house and he spent the night in the guest room and the shirt I bought it for him but never gave it to him that's why I'm wearing it."I lied to him.

"The hell with the lies do what you want you're 18 don't cry to me when he breaks your heart you know better Chloe."He said and walked away into his office and slammed the door. Harry stood there not knowing what to say.

"Leave"I said and shut the door. I cleaned up the living room and went to knock on my dad's office door.

"Dad?" I called out and pushed the door to reveal him sitting in front of computer typing away.

"Chloe don't do this to yourself again. He hurt you once and he's going to do it again. I don't want to sit back and watch it happen please take care of yourself Chloe. You're going to be living on your own now and you don't need any males in your life. Focus on your career please"My dad explained to me while looking at me with concerned eyes.

"I know dad I'm not seeing him anymore. I don't want to hurt myself anymore I'm just going to do me and no boys I promise"I said and smiled with my pinky in the air resembling a pinky promise.

"Thank you darling also I talked to your school you're all set for your online classes the school emailed you the links for your classes and surprise I paid for you first month of your new apartment but don't tell your mom she'll get mad at me for babying you"He chuckled and I just ran over and hugged him.

"Thank you I love you"I said and kissed his cheek.

"Love you too close the door on your way out please"He said as I walked towards the door and I simply nodded.

I grabbed my phone and I had one notification.

515-***-****: This is my new number.

I smiled and added him to my contacts. I went to charge my phone and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I looked a mess. I don't know how Harry doesn't complain about how I look. My hair is sticking everywhere and the bags under my eyes are horrible. I turned on the water and got into the shower.

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