Chris Evans-Mistaken Revenge Part 1 of 5

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Locking your car door you marched into the bar, ready to get fucking drunk and forget about this past week. Your boyfriend broke up with you and you were angry beyond belief. Just last month, the two of you were talking about looking at engagement rings; then he goes and pulls this shit. "Fucking asshole" you muttered to yourself as you walked into the bar.

You found Scott sitting at a table with a few of your friends. "Hey guys" you said as you sat down in an empty chair.

"You look like shit Y/N" Scott exclaimed when he turned to face you.

You gave him a glare, shaking your head. "Thanks Scott. Appreciate it."

"Seriously, what happened?" He sounded concerned, which was nice seeing as he was one of your closest friends out here in Los Angeles.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, you looked down at the table, shaking your head. Lifting your gaze, you looked into Scott's eyes, trying to hold back the tears. "Brad dumped me."

His eyes became wide at your confession; his fists slamming on the table. "That douchebag!" he roared in anger as you saw his face turn red. "I thought you two were getting engaged!"

Shrugging your shoulders, you took a sip of beer that Scott had ordered for you. "I thought so too. I mean, that's what we talked about last month. Then, out of nowhere, he broke up with me."

Scott got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back in a tender fashion. "Oh honey. It will be alright. You'll find someone better than him" he soothed.

"I-I know. It's just, I thought...I thought he was the one. My heart is crushed Scott. I don't know what to do."

He sat back down in his chair and took your hands in his. "Well honey, you get drunk! What else is there to do?"

An hour later, you had downed three beers and a shot; your head swimming in delight as your body felt free. You were sitting in your chair, dancing to the music as you sipped on your next beer; Scott sitting next to you.

"Hey Chris. 'Bout time you showed up" you heard Scott say as your heart became to pound in your chest. Chris was here? Holy shit. You hadn't seen him in almost a year. The last time you saw him, the two of you flirted like crazy but you were both in a serious relationship. "Chris you remember Y/N don't you?"

Taking a deep breath, you placed a smile on your face as you looked up to see Chris standing right next to you. His Henley shirt was tight over his torso and arms as he wore a black baseball cap. "Y/N, yeah, hey how have you been?" Chris asked as he sat down next to you.

"I've been, well, better" you explained as you mentally slapped yourself. All the booze was getting to your head and you spoke without a filter. You didn't mean to tell him that; surely he didn't care about your personal life.

Chris narrowed his eyes as his eyebrows furrowed; glancing at you with sincerity. "Well, tell me about it. What's happened?" He actually seemed genuine and your liquid courage was flowing freely throughout your body.

You decided to give it a go, no matter how drunk you were. "Brad, my boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, just broke up with me" you confessed as you turned your gaze downward.

"Shit" Chris rasped out as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yeah shit" you exclaimed with a slight chuckle.

"Well Y/N, you are not alone. My girlfriend just broke up with me too." Your eyes widened, not believing him. Who the hell would break up with someone like him? In your eyes, from what you knew about him, he seemed perfect. Hell, he helped Betty White up the steps at the People's Choice Awards for crying out loud! He was such a gentleman and damned if he wasn't good to look at. "Wow! I'm sorry Chris."

"Eh, it wasn't meant to be I guess." His eyes locked onto yours and you couldn't tear your gaze away. They were so blue and you were definitely lost at sea looking into them. You felt your face begin to get hot under his intense gaze but you wouldn't look away. Chris gave you a soft smirk as he tore his eyes from you. "You want another beer?" he asked as he finished his. You nodded, giving him a grin as he got up and went to the bar.

As Chris was at the bar, getting you another drink you thought back to the last time you had seen him. He was being very flirtatious with you and you definitely did not hold back your own flirtation. He told you he was in a serious relationship and you said the same; but that didn't stop the delicate touches towards one another. By the end of the night, you felt like you had really known him. Truth be told, you secretly wanted him to kiss you that night but you both stayed true to the relationships you were in.

Chris came back with two beers in his hands and sat back down. He handed you your beer as you took a sip. "So, what else is new in the life of Y/N?"

The two of you talked all night, huddled together in the dark corner of the bar. It was if there had not been months since the last time you saw each other. The conversation flowed effortlessly as there was never a dull moment.

By the end of the night, you were fully drunk and most definitely could not drive home. "Let me drive you home Y/N" Chris urged as you faltered on your feet. His hand shot out to grip your arm, steadying you.

"No Chris, its fine. I can just grab an uber" you replied. You straightened yourself up, grabbing your purse from the table.

"Please Y/N. It will make me feel better knowing you got home safe."

He gave you those damn puppy dog eyes and you could not resist in the least bit. A smile tugged at your lips as you shook your head; your face blushing. "If you insist."

"Oh, I insist" he said with a slight laugh. After paying your bill, you and Chris headed towards his car where he opened the passenger door for you. Like you said, a gentleman. The ride back to your apartment was just like your time spent with him at the bar; non-stop conversation as it easily flowed between you two. He was charming to say the least and very charismatic. He made you laugh and gave you butterflies; just like Brad used to.

When the two of you got to your apartment, Chris persisted about walking you to your door. As you walked up the stairs, his arm brushed against yours and your body reacted to his in such a way you had never felt before. Tingles shot through to your core and you wanted him so bad; but you thought that was just the alcohol talking.

Making it to your door, you turned to face Chris as your heart raced in your chest. He looked down at your; a smirk gracing his perfectly plump lips and you wanted nothing more than to nibble on them.

"So" he broke the silence, placing his hands inhis pockets. "I have an idea I want torun by you." Your eyebrows quirked up athis words, wanting to know what he had in mind.     

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