Chris Evans-Mistaken Revenge Part 5 of 5

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You pace back and forth in your living room, chewing anxiously on your nails. "What was I thinking?" you growl to yourself in frustration. Once you got the text from Brad you sheepishly apologized to both Scott and Chris and ran out of the house.

The whole point of this 'revenge dating' plot with Chris was just that, to get revenge against your exes; but you didn't think it would go so far as to actually have your ex, Brad, want you back. Now you were at a standstill for what to do. Even though he crushed your heart, broke it in two, you felt like you owed it to Brad to take him back. But then again, the last month you spent with Chris had been everything you wanted, and never got, in a relationship. "Damnit!" you cursed yet again to yourself as you collapsed on your couch in defeat.

Brad was on his way over to talk to you in person and you weren't sure what you were going to do. Brad was comfort, he was safe. The two of you had been together for years and you honestly saw yourself marrying him. But then he dumped you and Chris slowly crept into your heart. He was different from what you were used to in a relationship. Chris was carefree and adventurous, yet didn't mind spend a quiet evening at home.

A knock interrupted your thoughts and you instantly felt sick to your stomach. Getting up on shaky feet you ambled to the door, unlocked the latch and opened it; Brad standing in the hallway with your favorite flowers in hand.

"Hello pretty," Brad remarked with a gleaming smile. You gave him a weak smile back as the nerves flooding your stomach again, trying not to wince at the lame 'pretty' pet name he called you. It seemed idiotic, childish compared to the sexy tone Chris used when he called you 'baby' just last night.

"Hi Brad. Come on in," you tried saying as cheery as possible but it just wasn't there anymore. You thought all feelings of love and connection would come rushing back when you saw Brad, but all you could think of what Chris.

Brad marched inside as he set the flowers on the table before settling down on the couch, patting the cushion next to him. You sat down beside Brad; he took your hands in his. They left cold and clammy, not the warm and strong hands like Chris had. "Lets get back together," he blurted out in a rather unattractive way. "I've missed you so much since we broke up and I want you to take me back."

Your face remained neutral, but internally you were screaming. 'Seriously? That was it? That was your big comeback Brad? The hell was I even thinking asking you to come over here for?'

"Look Brad...I don't....I don't want to get back together," you sighed out, not even managing to meet his gaze; slowly pulling your hands out from his grip.

"Why?" came his rebuttal.

"Because you broke my heart Brad! Out of nowhere you dumped me without so much as an explanation! I felt betrayed, backstabbed by the one person I loved. You never even told me you were unhappy with our relationship and now, out of nowhere, you just want to get back together?" By now you were seething, your nostrils flaring as all you saw was red.

"Y/N come on, I wasn't unhappy in our relationship!"

You scoffed loud and clear before breaking out in a fit of laughter; doubling over with your head between your knees. "Are...are you seriously...kidding me...right now?" you cried out between your laughing fit. As your laughing subsided, you wiped the tears away from your eyes, staring directly at Brad. "Then why the hell did you break up with me?"

Brad's eyes searched yours, darting back and forth and you could tell he was becoming nervous. "I..I just...I met someone else," he finally said dejectedly.

"So what, you met someone else, dumped me, and I'm guessing THEY broke it off with you and now you want me back?" Brad lowered his head before nodding. "Get the fuck out of my house!"

Brad got up with haste and walked out the door. You were dumbfounded, staring at your closed door. How could you possibly even have thought about getting back together with him? And now you felt even worse just leaving Chris' house the way you did.

Your phone started to ring and you headed to the kitchen, digging through your purse to find it. Upon seeing Chris' face light up on your screen, you hesitated before answering.

"Chris, hey," your voice cracked, sounding nervous.

"Hey Y/N," Chris replied quickly as you heard him let out a sigh on his end. It was quiet, your feet planted firmly on the ground as neither one of you said anything; just the hum of your breathing which sounded deafening in your ear.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you made the first move to talk. "Look I'm sorry Chris for running out on you this morning. It's just, after that text from Brad...I don't....I don't know what came over me."

Chris gave a nervous laugh. "It's alright, that was the whole point of our scheme wasn't it? I actually called to say that, rather coincidentally, I got a call from Jenny about a half hour ago. She wants to talk about getting back together."

Your heart dropped into your stomach as you replayed his words on repeat in your head. Tears started to fall from your eyes as you realized you probably just screwed up something that could have potentially been magical. Sniffling, you nodded your head even though Chris couldn't see you. "That's, that's great Chris. Really. I'm happy for you," your words tumbled out of your mouth as you continued to sniffle.

"Y/N is everything alright?" Chris sounded worried, your heart fluttering.

"Yep, everything is great. I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll see you around Chris. Bye." You hung up the phone as the tears blurred your vision, letting out a frustrated scream. You were exhausted from last night and today's events. Sluggishly you walked to your room, landing with a thud on your bed as you fell into a dreamless nap.

Not quite sure what it was, a persistent knock on your front door woke up from your hazy nap. You pulled the covers over your body and groggily walked to open your front door. When you saw Chris standing on the other side your body immediately became wide awake as you smoothed down your hair, fully knowing it looked like a rats nest from sleeping.

"Chris what are you doing here?"

"Can we talk?"

You nodded, opening the door fully so he could enter your apartment. You shut the door and took a deep breath before turning around. The minute you did, Chris' lips were on yours in a scorching, toe curling kiss. His hands cupped your cheeks, holding you to him as you placed your hands around his back. In unison you opened your mouths; your tongues dancing about together in harmony; a soft moan escaping your throat.

Chris pulled away, resting his forehead on yours as his hands remained cupped at your cheeks. You took deep breaths trying to calm your breathing.

"Was that your way of talking?" you chortled making Chris laugh.

"Something like that," he replied. You glanced up, looking into his bright blue eyes. "I'm not getting back together with Jenny."

Your eyes became wide, giving him a bright smile. "I'm not getting back together with Brad."

Chris smiled back at you, his pearly white teeth showing as he swooped you up in a hug, twirling you around. His strong arms held you easily as you nuzzled your face in his neck, inhaling his manly scent. "What do you say about ordering in some food and celebrating tonight?"

Your brows furrowed before replying, "and what exactly are we celebrating?"

Chris' head tilted back, barking out his infamous laugh that always made your heart jump gleefully. "Us," he spoke confidently. "I know we were supposed to be this whole revenge dating scheme with no strings attached, but I just couldn't help develop feelings for you Y/N. I really enjoyed our time together and I want to see where it will take us. If you're up for the challenge that is?"

Your lips claimed his, hoping he would get thehint that your answer was a definite yes. Chris gripped your thighs and hoisted you up, wrapping your legs aroundhis torso as your lips never parted. Your hands raked in his soft hair before gripping it, pulling his headback. "How about we celebrate rightnow?" you declared with a wink.     

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