Chris Evans-Dangers on Set Part 3 of 6

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Two weeks later you were lounging on the couch in Kendra's suite. It had been a nearly unbearable two weeks with the way Kendra was acting and no matter how many times you tried to talk to her, she always changed the subject, back to herself of course. You had even been secretly looking for jobs and apartments back home just to get you out of this situation, but the second Chris came around you, you quickly nixed that idea.

He was so easy to talk to, at least when Kendra wasn't around. Chris seemed to feel the same way as he would sneak around set to come and find you. The two of you could talk for what felt like hours, never an awkward moment in sight. Each time you saw him, his presence alone would tug at your heart strings.

"I'm thirsty," Kendra whined from beside you on the couch. "Grab me a bottle of water will you?" Closing your eyes, you internally gave them a roll before getting up and grabbing her a bottle from the fridge, not evening having the energy to deal with her. She was testing your patience today. "I'm hungry too."

"We could order a pizza," you suggested as your stomach rumbled from the thought of it.

Kendra positioned her body towards you, taking in your appearance before shaking her head. "Pizza is so greasy Y/N. Not only will your face break out with pimples, you will also gain weight from it too. And from the looks of it, you might not want that to be happening."

Alright, you've had enough of her shit! "What the hell is your problem Kendra?" you snapped, eyes wide and nostrils flaring.

Her eyes narrowed, pressing her lips together as she tilted her head. "Moi? I don't have a problem Y/N. It seems you have a problem with me though!"

You felt your face become flushed, your jaw clenching together as you shook your head. "You've changed Kendra! Remember when we were back in school? No matter how popular you were, you NEVER let that get to your head. You never judged anyone, or talked down to them. But it seems as if becoming an actress has gone to your head! You have become a diva, straight forward. Demanding things from people, never saying 'please' or 'thank you'. Hell, you even treat me and Chris like shit!"

Her head perked up as you said his name. "Chris? I don't treat Chris like shit Y/N. Chris loves me, I know it."

"Oh really? Has he told you he loves you?" Kendra got real quiet after your remark; folding her arms across her chest.

"I think you should go back to your room and get some rest Y/N. Maybe sleep off this bout of anger you have towards me," Kendra snapped.

"Sure Kendra. I'll do just that," you replied, your voice laced with sarcasm as you got off the couch and marched out of her suite. You slammed the door shut before heading back to your room. Once inside, you began to pace back and forth, her attitude making you want to scream out in agony but you decided being in a hotel wasn't the best idea to that.

Instead you put on some workout clothes and headed down to the hotels 24/7 gym and worked out your frustrations. After lifting weights and running on the treadmill, you were drenched in sweat and headed back to your room. Getting off the elevator you looked ahead towards Kendra's room straight down the hall to see the door shutting; Chris exiting her room.

Your breath ceased and you mentally scowled at yourself. You were drenched in sweat, head to toe from your workout as you ambled forward. Chris noticed you walking towards him and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Hey Y/N. Workout?" he said with a grin.

"Uh, yeah. Needed to let out some frustration." He smiled, nodding his head, knowing exactly how you felt. "Leaving already?" you asked, motioning towards Kendra's door.

He looked back before turning to face you. "Umm, yeah. She wanted to go to bed early tonight." It was only 8pm for crying out loud!

"I see." The two of you stood there in the hall together, your eyes glued together.

"You want to go out. Maybe grab a drink and some food?" Looking up through your lashes, you couldn't help but smile brightly at his gesture.

"I'd love to. But would you mind if I took a quick shower?"

Chris laughed, taking in your appearance. "Of course not."

He followed you into your room, taking a seat on your bed. "I'll just be five minutes," you said as you grabbed a fresh set of clothes and headed into the bathroom.

After taking the longest shower of your life, you threw your wet hair into a pony tail before getting dressed. Walking out of the shower you saw Chris laying on your bed, scrolling through his phone. The site of him on your bed made your mouth water but you quickly shut down those feelings.

"Ready?" you asked as he peaked a glance at you. His smile was all you needed to see to tell him he was ready to head out.

The elevator doors closed as you two stood relatively close to one another. You could feel the heat radiating from him as you let out a shaky breath. "So, where to?"

He turned his head to the side, looking down at you before giving you a coy grin. "I've spent a lot of time here, filming for the Avengers and I found a hole in the wall bar. The owner knows me and we can sneak in the back door. He always has a table far in the back and out of view for me."

"A man with connections. Nice," you teased giving him a playful wink; his boisterous laugh infectious as you began to laugh as well.

Making small chit chat you and Chris walked the few blocks down to the bar; the owner already waiting at the back door for the two of you. Rolling your eyes you shook your head; Chris must have already let the owner know he was coming.

"What can I start you two out with?" the owner asked as you took your seat. Chris looked to you, letting you order first.

"Alcohol. I could really use some alcohol," you replied with a chuckle. Peering at Chris through your lashes you sawhis lips turn upwards into a smile.    

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now