Bedtime Stories

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12 years. That is how long you had been with Chris. Six years of dating, followed by six years of marriage, and a beautiful three year old daughter to show for it all. When she was born, you were immediately mesmerized by her eyes; the same eyes as Chris. She was your little darling, but she was definitely a daddy's girl.

Once your daughter was born, Chris took fewer movie roles as he didn't want to miss out on watching his little girl grow up. You also went back to work after the first year, with Chris' encouragement and all.

It had been a particularly long day at the office as you shuffled into the house late one night. Being the middle of winter, it was already well past dark outside and you wanted nothing more than to give your little girl a kiss goodnight and spend some time with your husband.

Taking off your shoes you noticed the house was exceptionally quiet. Making your way down the hallway, you paused just outside of your daughters room; the door cracked open as the light from the bedside lamp shown through; Chris' soft voice emanated from the room.

Peaking your head inside, Chris' back was to you and he was reading a bedtime story to your daughter; your heart jumping from joy at the sight. Your daughters' eyes looked heavy as she was trying to stay awake for the story.

"Promise me you'll remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think," Chris spoke gently. The line was from the book Winnie the Pooh, a favorite between the three of you.

Your daughters' eyes closed just as Chris ended the story. You quietly snuck into the room as Chris set the book down on the bedside table, giving your daughter a kiss. Placing your hand on his back, he looked up at you with a smile as you mirrored his. Leaning down you gave her a kiss on her forehead. Turning on the nightlight, Chris shut the lamp off and you two headed out of her bedroom.

"You're such a great daddy," you confessed, wrapping your hands around his neck.

Chris put his hands on your waist, "well you're such a great mommy." He leaned down and captured your lips with his as you pulled yourself closer to him.

Pulling away, you gave him a shy smile. "Now how about we go and have some mommy anddaddy time?"    

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now