Chapter 3 - Barging Beverage

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---This ones up a little late. Got distracted (as I always do) and lost track of time. I'm not sure whether to add a cast like I did in my previous books. I know some people are against it, but I don't know about the majority. Anyway, hope you like the chapter! ^-^---

(Don't play the song until stated for the added effect)

Nathan's POV

Morning had arrived once again. I groaned as the sunlight attacked my window. There was no way I could continue sleeping with the sun as bright as it was, so I slid out of bed, in a literal sense. I jellied to the floor struggling to get on my feet. I needed to be up extra early today so I knew if I didn't get out of bed now I'd oversleep and end up being late.

Using my arms would be quite the task today due to my lifting last night, something this small wouldn't deter me though. My determination to better myself was at its peak in fact.

With that in mind I trotted down the brown stairs, still in my boxers, to make my mom and I breakfast. She has two jobs. One in the afternoon and one at night, so she's usually asleep until around one or two in the afternoon.

I made some simple eggs and waffles. I grabbed a plate and ate in the silence of my home once again. The sunlight peeking through the aged windows of the dimly lit apartment made for a calming atmosphere. It was as if the were shouting "It's morning!."

"I know, I know." I foolishly muttered to myself in response to the sun's overbearing presence, before taking a bite out of the waffle sat under me. Sometimes my dumb thoughts just leak out.

The reason for me getting up an hour before school was so that I could go jogging. It's something I'd never done in this sketchy looking neighborhood before. It gave me an excuse to scout out the area.

After breakfast I put on a gray hoodie and a pair of sports shorts, grabbed my phone and stepped out in the the chill of the morning air. I was a little nervous starting my trek in an unfamiliar direction, but this was something I had to do, I won't get anywhere if I'm not willing to take risks, and change is something I desperately need.

The loud music playing from my phone soon drowned out my worries. The desolate area even had a sort of tranquility to it when I thought about it.

I continued running for awhile, remembering that I couldn't stray too far from home as school started in just less than an hour.

I ran and ran, wind caressing my face, until I noticed a change in my surroundings. The area was becoming less dingy and ghetto looking the farther I ran. The town I managed to reach looked somewhat decent, still a little worn, but far better than the neighborhood my mom and I currently resided in.

I wanted to explore farther but if I didn't head back now I wouldn't have enough time to shower before school.

On my way back I saw a group of dudes playing basketball. They caught sight of me as I jog past. One of them nodded my way and offered a smile. I wasn't expecting anyone to be friendly here, so that eased my worries of my neighborhood a little.

Mom was still asleep by the time I returned, but that was to be expected. I removed my hoodie and stripped my clothes before stepping into the shower. I went over my plans again and again in my head.

Would it really be able to change the way people perceive me?

I caught the bus and headed off to school. It was a regular day, just like any other. Although something interesting did happen. I don't know if I was imagining it but I could've sworn I saw Noah sneaking glances my way. I don't know whether to be happy or worried, especially after the way he reacted yesterday. Saying it was awkward would be an understatement.

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