Chapter 2: The Park

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*The Next Day*

I walked over to the Brooks' house where the boys, Skip, and their other friend James were waiting. I usually hate Mondays so much. But not today. School never has been or will be enjoyable for me, even though I still get high marks. But it was the last day. I smiled at the though of summer love as I met up with them.

"What's got you all smiley Sara?" asked James.

"I'm excited of course! Last day of our second year in senior high!"

Luke, Jai, James, Skip, and I were all finishing sophomore year. Beau was a senior. A graduating senior. Well I guess that just sunk in, that hit me real hard in the heart. I frowned a little.

"But I guess I'll miss Beau now that he'll be gone. I can't believe you're going to college!"

"You sound like my mum!" Beau whined. "I still have all summer to spend with you guys. But I'll miss you too, Sar." he said with a smile. Ugh, this would be so much more romantic if I hadn't chickened out yesterday. I bet I wouldn't have even been attracted to Skip. Speaking of him, what's he even doing? He said he already finished sophomore year in the city and is just starting junior year here.

"So Skip, what are you doing here with us?" I asked. Well that sounded rude.

"Oh, I figured since you're just going to the water park as a final day of classes, I could come along." he replied, looking at me. Why was I so freaking seduced by those eyes?

"Okay, well let's get going guys! We've only got 10 minutes so lets start walking. I'm sure Emma and Shiva are getting angry at me for being late."

Emma and Shiva were my closest girlfriends, we did all of our shopping, gossiping, and hanging out together. Shiva has been dating James for two years now, they were pretty much the cutest couple in school. Emma was a bit of a flirt, and never got in serious relationships. As for me, I've never really even gone on a date, let alone be in a relationship.

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"Alright everyone, get on the bus." our teacher called out as we waited to go to the park.

Everyone piled on, I got in last since I don't handle tight spaces very well. When I got on, the twins were sitting together, Emma and Shiva were sitting together, Beau and James were together, and then there was Skip. Sitting alone, unsure of what to make of all the tight groups around him. Well I guess this was my only choice.

"Hey Skip! Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as I can talking to someone as hot as he is. Looking at me, I don't even know why he was trying to flirt yesterday. I'm such a potato.

Relieved that he wouldn't be sitting with a complete stranger, his eyes brightened a little as he said, "Sure Sara!" and moved over to give me some room. Okay, so far so good. Time to make completely normal conversation with this completely normal friend even though he's major cute.

"So why'd ya move-" I asked right as he started saying, "So are you and B-" you both laughed a little as he said, "Go ahead, my question wasn't important anyway." He looked in the direction of Beau and James' seat. No way. Was he going to ask if Beau and I were dating? He couldn't be that abrupt if we literally just met yesterday. I continued.

"So why did you move here from the city?" I asked.

His eyes darkened a little, like he was trying to cope with his inner self. "Ehrm, my uh, parents' jobs earned us enough money to move out of our apartment to get a nice house here in the suburbs."

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