Chapter 15 Part 2: Guess Who's Back?

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*Jai's Point of View* A Few Minutes Earlier

"I guess Beau's spending the night at Sara's." I said to Luke.

We were just hanging out at home, our mum was called in to her office because a girl was throwing up. I'm definitely not being a pediatrician.

"Yeah, guess so." he said.

We were bored out of our minds. Emma was at some family party, so she was busy. James just didn't wanna hang out, which is understandable, and we had just talked to Skip last night. He told us, James, and Emma everything that happened. Crazy shit. So Luke was the only one around.

My phone vibrated, Beau was calling. "Guess he's not fucking Sara." I told Luke. He laughed.

"Hey loser." I said to Beau, putting it on speakerphone.

"You and Luke get off your lazy asses and get to Skip's now. Susan has him." Beau hung up.

I jumped off the couch. "Let's go."

"Dammit." said Luke. "What the hell is wrong with that bitch?"

We quickly got in the car. I turned the ignition and pressed the gas pedal. Nothing. I pressed again. "LUKE YOU FORGOT TO FILL UP THE DAMN GAS." I hissed.

"NO! IT WAS YOU!" he argued. We got out of the car and ran. Skip's house was just under a mile away.

A little over five minutes later, we got to there.

Out of breath, words came tumbling out of my mouth. "Luke...forgot...gas...had"

"Jai's...fault." Luke stuttered.

"Shut up ya dickheads." said Beau. "Sara's right inside. She said she wouldn't move. I'm going in, the police are on the phone if anything happens."

We nodded. Exhausted, I sat on the driveway with Luke, the phone in his hand.

Beau slowly walked into the house. As he opened the door, we saw a guy choking Skip, and Beau quickly went inside. We were right behind, Luke talking to the operator for the police.

*Beau's Point of View*

RANDY. I punched him hard in the back of the head as I ran inside, causing him to release Daniel from the chokehold. My shoulders killed. Damn, that hurt. Sara ran over, bending over Skip.

"I thought you were dead." stammered Randy, getting back up and rubbing his head.

"I was." I muttered angrily. "But I knew death didn't want me, so it brought me back to you."

He tried to punch me again. I ducked as I saw Jai and Luke fly in through the door and tackle Randy. I fucking love my brothers.

The two were on top of him and had him pinned down as the police ran in and placed handcuffs on him.

"Skip! Stay with me Daniel!" I heard Sara cry.

I looked over at my her, who was hopelessly trying to get Skip to breathe. She looked at me, "Beau...I'm so sorry." and gave him mouth to mouth.

I looked away, my eyes stinging with tears. I had to witness their first kiss. Or at least I hope it's their first. I knew she was doing it for all the right reasons...but it hurt. I looked back to see if he was breathing yet.

He was, but her lips still lingered on his. He opened his eyes, but closed them again. My girlfriend and Daniel are kissing in front of me. Medics from the ambulance surrounded him. Sara ran up to me. "Beau...I couldn't let him...he was dying..."

"I understand, Sar. But..." I said, hugging her. I couldn't believe I was about to say this. This is either the best or worst decision I've ever made.

"But what? Beau, I had to save him." She insisted.

"Listen, hear me out. I really like you, and by the way you act, I think you really like me too. Just...maybe we can take a break. A short break. I need you to sort yourself out. Maybe once Susan and Randy are in jail."

"But Beau!" she pleaded. "You just asked me to be your girlfriend. You know I was trying to save him!"

"Sara, I saw the way you kissed him. He kissed you back and you didn't let go. I want you so badly, and when I finally have you, you go for another guy." I shook my head, the stinging tears now softly rolling down my cheeks.

"Beau, you're overreacting. I was saving his life!" she pleaded again.

"YOU KISSED HIM, SARA. OKAY? THERE'S NO MISTAKING THAT." I left the house, unable to watch her eyes get red and puffy.

*Sara's Point of View*

I watched Beau walk off to his house, not looking back.

I watched Daniel be brought to the ambulance with minor injuries. The EMT said he'd be back by morning.

So I cried for Beau. Not Skip. I really did like Beau, but why did I kiss Skip like that? It was incredible. "I'm such an idiot." I muttered.

Luke came over to me. "No, you're not. Beau just wants you to himself and doesn't get that Skip was basically dying back there. He'll come running back to you, no worries. Have you confessed to them yet about the kissing?" he asked, looking a little disappointed.

"No." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"C'mon Sara!" he groaned. Luke drove me and Jai home in my car, I was too busy crying to concentrate on driving.

Jai walked up to the door with me. "In the morning I'm pulling both their asses to your house and you guys are gonna talk. Just stop dragging all this shit out!" he paused, looking at me.

Excuse him?

"Don't give me that face like you're offended or something."


He stepped back. "I'm not acting."

"Get. Out." I hissed, slamming the door. What assholes they are! They think I can control my actions?

I realized how stupid I must sound. I can control my actions.

"I'll see you in the morning with Skip and Beau. We're visiting the hospital now." I heard Luke or Jai through the door. And they walked away.

I sat down on the floor, crying. Everything's my fault! I'm the reason everything bad happens around here! I bet no one even likes me.

"Mum? Dad?" I called out, hoping for no reply.

There was nothing, they must still be at dinner.

Right now, I didn't care about anything. No one likes me. No one. Not the twins, not Beau, not Skip.

I walked upstairs to the third floor.

From the third floor I opened the window.

I walked out on to the roof through the window.

I looked down 12 metres to find no one around.

And I jumped.

Author's Note: 12 metres is about 40 feet in America. So...yeah. I NEED YOUR HELP WITH TWO THINGS GUYS. 1. I really don't know who Sara should end up with. Tweet me, message me, comment, do anything. 2. I'm thinking about ending this...I love your feedback but I need more opinions! Just comment 'yes' for keep updating or 'no' if you want Sara to get it all over with and decide. I'll update in a couple days! xx Elissa

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