Chapter 10~ Confused By The Trick

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Deadpool's Point Of View

The air became filled with smoke and flying debris. The horrid smell of ash filled my nostrils. I looked down below to see part of a building demolished.

I guess our explosive personality winned today.

I think we should go.'s too-!

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Cable picked me up by my collar, with us face to face. "Wade! Do you know what timeline you have caused now?" He yelled. I turned my head to look down at the explosion. I then looked back at Cable. "New Mutants?" I asked.

It sure has been a good 27 years.

God, I feel old.

I love reunions!

I felt a hard slap across my face. It stung. Cable let me go and I dropped onto the roof. Smack down, right on my ass. I looked up at Cable who had begun to fiddle with his watch. I picked myself up and straightened my back. "Cabe! We can totally.....totally fix this! We just gotta go back in time a couple of minutes! Ha, ha, ha......" I said with a weak chuckle.

You should've known better Wade!

Yeah but you gotta admit, explosions sure do solve everything.

Well......expect for relationships.

We can fix that!

Cable looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Wade..." He straightened up from his hunchbacked position. "Even if we do that.......our past selves still do what they did with no exceptions." He stated. I frowned upon knowing that. "Y/n!" I heard a distant voice cry out. I turned my head to see a crying version of myself by part of Y/n's body. The sweet, sweet ass.

Hot mama!

"Wade!" Cable yelled. He placed his hands on my shoulders then shook me violently. "Focus on the mission at hand!" Cable yelled. I turned around and pushed Cable away, causing him to fall down on his ass. He groaned in pain as I ran off the ledge, attempting to do a superhero landing in the process. Fun fact, it's not good for your knees. I then ran into the direction of my old self. The doppelganger noticed my presence and looked up. He jumped to his feet, pulling out a damaged katana. "I-I-I thought you burned!" He placed a hand on one of his guns. "Ummm...........listen-listen! Sorry for blowing up our girlfriend/boyfriend!" I said then smiled. "Our?! Who the fuck told you that we had to share! Fuck you!" He yelled. He pulled out his gun and pressed it against my forehead.

Oopies daisy!

This is what we get for being painfully honest.

Points for effort.

"Ya know, I'm real sorry about this me...but!" I kicked at his dick and I watched as he dropped the gun. He covered his crotch area with his hands, falling to the ground. I took off running to the hospital and looked back to see myself reach for the gun. He managed to grab onto it and locked and loaded. He began to stand up and aimed the gun at me, still covering his crotch.

This is gonna hurt.

I stopped and turned around, cupping my hands around my mouth. "You can't stop this motherfucker!" I yelled. "Try me..." Myself groaned. He pulled the trigger, letting off a loud boom. I turned around, running toward the hospital. I then felt a sting in my ass. "Right.............up...main street!" I squeaked out. I collasped in front of the hospital and groaned in pain. I rubbed the back of my ass in an attempt to soothe the pain.

I heard footsteps from behind. I rolled onto my back, sitting up right. Myself stood with a gun aimed at my forehead. "Can we not be friends?" I asked him with a chuckle. "You blew up my-!" "Ah! Ah! Ah! Our........continue." I cut him off. "Fuck you." Myself said. "Ouch." I responded. He pulled the trigger, setting off a loud boom. I felt a pain in my head. I heard ringing in my ears as I felt something or someone kick my head. "Wade!" I heard a gruff voice yell. I noticed a strange twinkly man with a musclar appearnace. Due to my disoriented sight, the sparkles from the metal hurt my eyes. I heard punches and fighting with my own voice crying out in pain. I heard footsteps stomp toward where I laid. I felt something pick me up in their arms. I looked up at a bright light of which came from the figure's face. " that you-you?" I coughed out. I felt around on the figure's face, finding the source of the bright light. Cable.


Give us a moment!


Me and Cable sat on the ledge of the roof, looking out at the destruction of the scene. I dug into my pocket and pulled out a piece of crumbled up paper. I dug around for a drawing utensil of any kind. I pulled out a crayon and propped up my knee on the ledge, resting the paper on top of my knee. I began to draw what took place on the scene.

Childish much.....thanks.

Thank God, no one saw that.

Awkward situation to be put in......especially since...let's stop talking 'bout this.


I could hear my own voice yell at the cops, probably some thinking him crazy. "Wade...we only have a limited amount of time...this is gonna start the Heartbreaker timeline." Cable said.

The Heartbreaker timeline? Sounds kinda kinky!

This is not gonna end well.

"Due to Y/n's death and your past self seeing you, that version is gonna go on a manhunt for you." Cable explained. I began to drown out his voice by looking at his time watch.

So.......intriguing...I-I want it!

I reached for it as Cable continued blabbering on and on about how the world could end. "Try me one eyed Willie." I grabbed Cable's time watch and began to turn the dials. "Wade! Wait!" Cable cried out. I slammed my fist onto the time watch and electricity flew around us. Cable grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him. His eyes went to the time I had set the watch on. He gasped. "Wade, are you insane?! Do you know what timeline you're resetting?!" Cable yelled. "Cable ol' friend, ol' pal, it's time for me to have a good life!" I yelled. I shoved him away then ran to the edge, jumping off.

A white light surrounded me.

I put the timeskip as a joke.
I swear, it's like Deadpool has control of this book or something....

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