Chapter 12~ Sercet Admirers And True Lovers

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Y/n's Point Of View

I felt a sense of dread creep up on me. It surrounded me, choking me in it's grasp. It all seemed familiar to me but, again all so new. Deja vu maybe! I looked up from the sidewalk and saw my work just up ahead. Nothing really changed much since last time. I had the sudden urge to look down at my watch. My eyes flew to my watch, startling me at the time! "You've gotta be shitting me! Oh sweet baby Jesus!" I exclaimed, taking off in a mad dash to the front doors. I pushed open the glass doors to see other co-workers turn their heads but look away. I ran up to Miss Love's front desk, stopping to catch my breath. "Miss Love!" I yelled. The old woman turned around in her chair, seeing me. "Erm......sorry!" I blurted out. The old lady nodded. "It's okay L/n. Have a lollipop!" Miss Love pushed the jar of her multicolored lollipops toward me. "Um.......thanks again!" I blurted out, instantly shoving my hand into the jar. I had so many thoughts and panic had begun to set in. Did I just die and become reincarnated? Holy moly! This........This is actually pretty exciting! But...But also scary. Who killed me last time? How did I die? I'm curious.........too curoius.

"L/n, you might wanna go on up hon'." Miss Love notified me. I just kept digging my hand further into the pile of lollipops. I don't know why. Maybe I would have something arrive. Something good. I heard the sound of the front doors opening then slamming behind. I turned my head to see a familiar figure. A tall man dressed in a red and black spandex stood there. What alarmed me about him, wasn't the costume he wore but........the weaponry. Grenades, pistols, guns, and the two long swords on his back. And it looks like he regrew his hands back! Good for him! Wait, what the hell is going on?! "Alrighty then!" The strange man yelled, rubbing his hands together with evil intentions. The man lowered his hands to his belt of weaponry. He wrapped his fingers around two pistols. He looked up and scanned around the room, studying everyone. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins. It all came back to me. Bang! Boom! It would happen no doubt. I turned to Miss Love. She just stared at the man. Boom! I looked over at the man. One of my co-workers fell to the ground, holding their stomach. "Holy.......holy shit!" I exclaimed. The man turned his head in the direction of me and Miss Love. He started a slow walk toward us, putting his guns back inside holsters. My heart began to race.

Oddly, he walked in a strange way, swinging his hips and running his hands over top of his covered head. Swaggity swag. The man got onto his knees, looking up at me. I looked over at Miss Love. "What the fuck is going on?" I whispered to Miss Love. Miss Love shrugged at the situation. I looked back down at the man. He held out a rose, as if I wanted to take it! "Will you go on a date with me, pretty please?" The man asked. This just went to shit reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaal fast!

I bit my lip, trying to find a logical answer to counter a yes but to not find a no. "Y/n?" I heard a soft voice ask. Someone poked me in the side with their sharp fingernail. I shook my head, shaking me out of my thoughts. I looked down at the man who awaited my answer. "Wh-Wh-What if-if I-I-I-I rejected?" I asked, nervously. The man clicked his tounge. "Well...." He stood up and I watched him put a steady hand on one of his guns. He got close to my face. I backed up into Miss Love's desk. "It wouldn't end.....quite well for a lot of......people. Did I ever tell ya that-that you have a nice ass?" My face became red with embarrassment. What did you just say you lil' motherfucker? The man inserted the rose in between my palms. He then took steps backwards, not even facing the door. "Meet me at 8!" He said. He walked on out of the building. My mind went down to the rose in my hands. I lowered my head to the rose. Cute and classy.........but...but, what the hell? I turned my head to look at Miss Love. She just shrugged. All of a sudden, sound came back to the world. "Oh my goodness!" A female co-worker exclaimed. I looked over to see a crowd gathering around a limp body. I then could hear sirens in the background.

Seems like someone did what they should've this time...wait.......what?! I turned to Miss Love. "I need to take off for a while!" I blurted out. Before Miss Love could even process that sentence, I rushed to the glass doors, pushing them open. I looked down the sidewalk to see if I could find this mystery man. He seemed to be a person of interest for me. As if he had all the answers. As if I knew him from somewhere. As if..........he could help me?


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