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"Oh my God, baby. You have no idea what that freaking vampire did to me!" Keren dramaticy wailed, running into Colen's arm.

The Holland twins rolled their eyes.

"Who's that vampire?" Colen ask while wrapping an arm around her. "That Red Life Princess Aleira Devin." she sobbed.

The Holland twin's and Colen's eyes widened.

"What did she do?" Colen ask with a hint of amusement in his voice. "She...she.. Twisted my wrist." Keren sniffed and started massaging her wrist.

"Crocodile tears." Jaylen muttered, making Jayden burst out laughing. Keren shot them a death glare, making them raise their hands up. She turned her attention back to Colen, fake crying while the twins laughed silently.


"Dude, what's gotten in yo' ass?" Jaylen beatboxed, entering the kitchen.

Colen finished his juice and sighed. Jaylen narrowed his eyes at him. "Lemme guess man, it's about what that Vampire did to your girlfriend huh?"

Colen nodded slowly, chewing on his index finger. "Yeah, but somehow instead of being mad at that Vampire girl for doing that to my girlfriend, I felt proud."

Jayden then stomped in the kitchen, approach his twin before grabbing him by the collar. "What the hell did you do?" he said through gritted teeth. "Do what?" his brother asked, dumbfounded.

"I'll rip you apart if-"

"Hey hey, Jayden. Calm down. What is it?" Colen ask. "He poured something slimy on my ps4!" Jayden yelled in frustration, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Ok. I'm out. Deal with it, Holland two." Colen yelled from his shoulder, making Jaylen panick. Thinking that he should had mess with anything his brother have but not his ps4 makes him want to dig a hole 50 feet underground and bury himself. "No! Dude! Colen c'mon! You can't leave me here with Jayden."

"Too bad bro. You're gomna pay for what you did." Jayden whispered in his twin's ears before dragging him out to to the back of their house.

He shifted, making Jaylen gulped.

Shift if you don't wanna be ripped apart alive, Jaylen.

Jaylen then shifted, just in time for Jayden to lounge at his brother. They started snapping their jaws at eachother. They were busy fighting, when they heard a twig snapped making them stop.

What's that Jaylen?

It's the red life princess. Our Luna.

So it means, Colen is our Alpha?

Dude, are you fucked up or what? Of course he is dork.

Oh. I didn't know. Well, let's meet our Luna.

They shifted back to their human form and stood still, where they were until Aleira appeared.

"Hello. What are you doing here?" Jaylen asked politely. "Oh, I'm here to see my mate." she smiled.

A smile formed in the twin's faces before they grabbed her arm, careful not to hurt her.

They finally reached their house. Aleira looked at the house in awe. It's no mansion like hers but it's far more beautiful. It was simple but it could make a royal family jealous.

Their architect must be well professioned.

"C'mon Princess. Make yourself at home." Jaylen muttered nervously, guiding her to the tv room. "I'll just get Colen."

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