Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

If Killian wanted to be a jerk then fine let him be a jerk. I just dont get it how would Milah know how Killian felt about love and his parents. If I didnt tell anyone then who told Milah? I paced around my room when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Em... Someone is here to see you. Should I send him up?" My mom asks.

"Umm that depends who is he?" I ask.

"Someone named Robin." My mom says.

"Umm okay send him in." I say.

I sat on my bed confused to why Killian's best friend is here. After what Killian did why is Robin coming to talk to me?

"Hello Emma... Im sorry to bother you, but can we talk?" Robin asks.

"Sure. What is it?" I question.

"From what Killian told me about you as Swan I knew something was changing. He was becoming someone I've never seen and he was better. Then he meets the actual you and it was like a part of him knew you even when he couldnt put the two together." He says.

"Umm okay what does all that have to do with anything?" I ask.

"It everything. Look someone told Milah about Killian and how he felt about love and finding what his parents had. Whoever did that didnt realize that Milah clearly knew you were Killian's Swan. That made it easy for Milah to turn Killian against you, but Emma he needs you. Without Swan or Emma in his life he cant think straight and does stupid stuff like when he drank. Im worried about him." He says.

"Look Im sorry I cant help. Killian is someone that I thought knew me even when he didnt know it was me. He easily blamed me and that hurt. Though I hurt him too when I choose to protect my secret then to just talk to him. I just dont think I can face him." I say.

"Well could you please try? His father was just in an accident and he wont let me or Regina help him. He needs you Emma wether your Emma or Swan. He just needs you. He is in his room probably drinking or something. Please be that good hearted person Killian told me about. I can see it in your eyes that you care for him just as he cares for you." He says.

"I dont know." I say.

"Well then put this on. Its your Swan mask. Just please talk to him. He needs this. He needs you." He says.

I took the Swan mask from him and just looked at him for a moment. This person knows Killian even better then I do. So if he says Killian needs me then Killian must really need me. I left to Killian's house and found him just sitting on his front porch. I put the Swan mask on and walked over to him.

"I've been told about your father and how upset you are. Killian Im so sorry as both Emma and Swan." I say.

"Well it doesnt matter. Im gonna lose my father just like I lose everything else. Its because Im horrible." Killian says.

"Okay thats enough. Killian you are not horrible. Your a sweet and loving person. You take someone who is as lame as me and make them feel better. You are not horrible your better then you know. I dont like seeing you this way. Im sorry I never told you who I was, but thats on me not on you. Besides it seems that I was scared for nothing cause according to your friend Robin both Emma and Swan made you better then he has ever seen. Thats when I realized that it wasnt you knowing who I really am that scared me it was me doubting myself about who I am. I never thought anyone would actually care that wernt my parents, or Belle, or someone using. Though being around you I guess I found someone who did care. Someone who I hope still cares. Im here if you need me as Emma or as Swan." I say.

I took the mask off and handed it to him. I began to walk away when I felt him grabbed my arm.

"Please stay. I could really use someone who really knows me right now." He says.

"Of course." I say.

I turned to him and I could tell that with everything that was happening in his life he just needed someone. His father was hurt and it was hurting him and I could see the pain in his eyes. I just pulled him in and hugged him. I dont know where this will go with him, but all I know is that I have to be here for him. Wether Im his friend or something else to him. I will always be here if he needs me no matter what and I think he knows that. Cause with me as Emma or as Swan he lets his walls down and I gotta say I like the Killian who show who he is better then the one that hides. Though I guess thats one thing we have in common. Though for right now Im just gonna hug him and be here for him. Cause he needs me and for right now thats all that matters.

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