Chapter 30

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Emma's POV

Moving in with Killian and going to school online might seem like the end for my father, but to me its just the beginning. When you love someone as much as I love Killian you will do anything to make that happiness stay. I just wish my father could be supportive, but if not I have my mom and Belle. They understand just how happy Killian makes me and thats all that matters.

"Okay love thats the last of it." Killian says.

"Yeah the last box from the moving truck. We still have to unpack it all." I say.

"Well we dont have too." He says.

"No we have to or it will get pushed back." I say.

"Emma.. We dont even have our furniture yet. So we cant put stuff away until we have places to put everything." He says.

"Okay your right. So what will we do until the stuff come?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well you see I was think unloading boxes was a sweaty workout. We dont need furniture in the bathroom." He says.

He kissed me softly and then moved his lips to my neck.

"Hey... Guys... Ohhh... Sorry. Should I come later?" Belle asks.

"Its alright. What brings you here?" I ask.

"Well I talked to the furniture store and your stuff will be here and hour earlier." She says.

"Thats great maybe you can wait outside for them or maybe just out there for 15 minutes. Whatever comes first." Killian says.

"Point taken. I'll be outside. Blasting music in my ears." Belle says and walked out.

I playfully smacked Killian in the chest and he didnt seem to mind.

"So love shall we." Killian says offering me his hand.

"You really want to do this now? Knowing that our friend is outside?" I question.

"Well its not like she is watching us. Ohh speaking of watching us... You have the tape right? Wouldnt want to leave that behind." He says.

"Yes I have it. Thats one tape we can hide from everyone." I say.

He placed his lips back on my neck and we were about to head upstairs when my mom walked in.

"Ohhh hey." My mom says.

"Okay we get it. We'll do it another time." Killian says looking up.

"Umm Killian why dont you check on Belle and see if she left her post." I say.

"Sure thing love." He says.

He walked out and my mom just looked at me and I knew she wasnt mad at it me.

"So what brings you here? Now at this time?" I ask.

"Well you left this and I wanted you to have it." My mom says.

"My old baby blanket? Shouldnt this be something you keep?" I question.

"Well it should be, but its yours. Look Emma I know how happy you are and I love that Killian makes you happy. Though you leaving home for good made me realize my baby is all grown up and I have to let you go. So giving you this is my way of saying that you are still my baby just all grown up. Also who knows maybe you'll use it on your baby one day." She says.

"Well your way ahead of us, but yeah maybe. Thanks mom." I say and hug her.

"Your welcome and I'll go. You and Killian have your fun." She says and then walked out.

Killian walked back inside and I walked over to him and hugged him. Sure one day I want a family with him, but not now... Well maybe now... I dont know. All I know is that I love him and I just know we would have beautiful children and a happy future together. One day I hope that happens and who know maybe it just might. Then when it does I will be just like I am now. Happy because I have Killian and thats all I will ever need.

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