Chapter 10- I Saw Your Boobs.

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"MOOOOMM" i screamed at the top of my lungs as i ran down a hallway only to hit a dead end. I turned around in panic as my chest caved in and out. I herd foot steps coming closer, getting louder and louder.

"no no no no no" i mumbled to myself as i took off into a sprint, my heals hitting the concrete ground keeping rhythm with my breathing. 

"Vanessa, Vanessa please help me baby." I herd my mom's voice call out, desperation eminet in her voice.

"Mom where you?" i whispered back. Not wanting to be found. I'm not sure what i was running from but i knew i had to run.

"Vanessa." Her voice called out in a panic. "Please honey i need y-" she was cut off by a blood curdling scream.

"MOM" i yelled as i picked up my pace. i came around a corner and froze in fear. Right in front of my was my mother held by my father with a knife to her neck. Tears were rolling down her face and eyes wide with fear.

"Finally you showed up Vanessa." My dad said with evil in voice.

"No daddy please." i said while taking a step closer.

"Close your eyes." He said pointing the knife in my direction.

"No dad don't do this, you don't have to do this." i pleaded with him.

"GOD DAMN IT VANESSA I'M NOT GOING TO KILL HER JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING EYES."  He hollered causing me and my mom to both jump.

My breathing picked up and i slowly shut my eyes.

A little girl around 5 was running through a field of flowers. She wore a white cotton dress and flowers in her hair. She looked so peaceful. She skipped over to a couple that was sitting on a picnic blanket. The little girl looked up and right into my eyes. 

It was me.

She sat down in between the man and the women. "i love you mommy and daddy." she said wrapping her arms around there neck. "We love you too honey and don't you ever forget that." The man said kissing her on the cheek.

It hit me. Those were my parents and that was me 12 years ago.

They finished their lunch as i watched from afar. They were all having a good time laughing and playing games. All the sudden my dad pulled out a gun from behind his back and shot my mom in the middle of her forehead.

I gasped and opened my eyes.

"well" my dad said pointing the knife back at my mom. More desperate tears escaped her eyes.

"What the hell was that." i shouted.

"That was us 12 years ago." he said with a chuckle. "Such a happy family right Annabel?" he questioned looking down at my mom. She nodded her head fast.

"Close your eyes." He said looking up at me one again.

"No." i said firmly. "Just let mom go dad, we won't tell anyone anything. I promise." i said trying to bargain with him

"close your eyes."

I slowly shut my eyes.

I saw another big hallway but this one looked familiar. The smell of hairspray, sweat, and chalk filled my nose. I cautiously wandered till i came to a set of big doors. Reluctantly i pushed them open. My mouth came ajar as i looked out in front me, I was at the Beijing Olympics.

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