Chapter 14- Just Don't Forget To Use A Condom.

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*Vanessa's POV*

It has been about a month and a half since the night in my apartment with Nathan and Jay. Me and Jay have tried everything to apologize to Nath but he just wont hear it, the last words he has said to me was "fuck you" and it still haunts me. Jay and I discussed the kiss and came to the realization that we are better off friends and that we should keep it that way.

We were now in the airport getting ready to go to america. I was absolutly buzzing because our first show is in New York and my Gran Holly will be able to see me preform for the first time! I'm also a little nervous because it will be the first time i have been home since i found out that my father is the one who murdered my mother.

(Vanessa's Outfit- ) We all hauled out of the van and were immediately swarmed with fans. Since i have been touring with the boys i have gained a really big fan base. People recognize me all the time and ask to take pictures and sign stuff which i love because without fans, no celebrity would be as successful as they are so i always try to make time for them.

We finally made it in and gone through security and now we were just waiting for our plane to board. "Okay you guys come here so i can tell you the seating arrangements." Martin called out to get our attention. We all slowly walked over dragging our feet, granted its 5 o'clock in the morning so we are all like zombies. I shuffled my feet not really paying attention when suddenly i smacked into someone one.

"Oh jeez sorry love." I bent down and picked up my glasses.

"Well maybe you should pay attention next time." Nathan spat as we walked away and stood in between Tom and Siva. Everyone looked at me with sympathetic faces and turned back to Martin.

"Anyways" He said clearing his voice awkwardly. "The seating arrangements are Me and Kev, Then Max and Siva, Tom and Jay, and then Nathan and Vanessa." my whole body tensed as i herd him say i was sitting with Nathan.

"You have got to be kidding me." Nathan shouted causing everyone to jump. "You clearly see that i hate this girl and you make me sit by her." That's it, i couldn't hold it in anymore i let tears slowly roll down my cheeks.

"Don't ever say you hate someone" i whispered as i wiped my nose on my sleeve. "When you know what true hatred feels like then you can say it." i cleared my throat. "I have to go to the bathroom excuse." I quickly picked up my book bag and shuffled to the bathroom hiding my face as much as i could.

I slammed the door and rushed to the sink. I pulled the paper towels out of the dispenser and blotted my face. I herd the door creek open and a skinny girl with long brown hair stepped out and walked to the sink next to me. I quickly hid my face so she couldn't see me.

"Are you alright." Her voice rang out into the bathroom. I looked up at her to see she had the bluest eyes i have ever seen.

"uhm y-yeah I'm okay."  I stuttered out as i grabbed the mascara from my bag and started to fix the little makeup that i was wearing.

"Are you sure because i can kick somebody's ass if you want me too. Was it a boy. I hate boys they can be so annoying, but you can't live without them can ya." She said all in one breath. I let out a small giggle and smiled at her.

"Actually you just made me fell 1,000 times better. You're hilarious, what's your name?" i asked as i put my makeup away and began to fix my hair.

"I'm Justine, and you?" She shook my hand with a grin on her face. "Vanessa!"

"Well its lovely to meet you Vanessa. Where are you heading to?"

"I am actually going to New York." She let out a loud girlish shriek and started jumping up and down and grabbing my arm. I started jumping and screaming too, we were screaming so loud that it soon turned into loud laughs. We finally calmed down when all the sudden the door flew open and crashed against the wall we jumped together and started screaming for real.

"ARE YOU OKAY VANESSA!!!" Tom, Jay, Max, Siva and suprisingly Nathan all yelled at the door. I stopped screaming when i realized it was them but Justine kept yelling.

"YOU ARE BOYS NOT GIRLS WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN HERE." She yelled covering her boobs even though she was fully clothed. I giggled as i walked over to her again and told her that i knew the boys.

"oh" she shrugged and went back to the mirror to finish her make up.

"Why the hell were you screaming!" Tom said as Nathan, Jay and Max left after they realized that everything was fine.

"Uhmm i'm not exactly sure why were screaming." i said as i turned to Justine.

"Oh because i am also going to New York too" She said with a smile and then putting everything back in her bag and headed for the door. "Maybe i'll see you again,  bye love." and with that she was gone and left me, Tom and Siva to stand there wondering what the hell just happened.

Last Call For Gate 7: Destination New York City, New York.

"Holy Shit last call." I shouted as i quickly gather my stuff running behind Tom and Siva to make it to our gate on time. We just barley made it as the gate doors were closing. They let us through and we finally made it on the plane.

"Thanks for telling us they called the gate." Tom mumbled as he took his seat next to Jay.

I made my way back to where me and Nathan's seats were. We were at the very back of the plane. Perfect, now i have him trapped and he has to listen to my apology.

I sat down and immediately the seat belt light came on signaling we were about to leave. My body began to shake as the anxiety of flying hit my. My hands fumbled with the seat belt before Nathan reached over and buckled it for me.

"Nervous flyer." He asked with a comforting tone.

"Yeah." I breathed out as i laid my head back against the seat. My hands were fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt when i felt the plane start to rumble. My breathing increased and my palms began to sweat. I was just about to jump out of my seat and run out of the plane when i felt Nathan's strong arms wrap around my body and pull me to his. Instantly i began to calm down, the effect this boy has on me is crazy.

The plane finally went back to normal and the seat belt light went off.

"better" He asked shortly and pulled his earphones out of his bag.

"Yeah thank you so much." I said as i turned to grin at him. He looked at me with a blank face then looked back down at his ipod.

I shifted uncomfetably in my seat as i pulled out my ipad and logged into twitter. Immedietly an idea popped into my head.

@VanessaHudson- Everyone tweet @NathanTheWanted to forgive me pretty please #sorrynath.

Instantly my feed blew up with people spamming Nathan with tweets to forgive me. I chuckled and scrolled through re-tweeting the funny ones.

"Really Ness" Nathan said next to me as he tried to hide a grin.

"Will you please just listen to me." I asked putting my ipad back into the bag.


"i am really truly sorry about everything that happened back at the hot-" He cut me off by pressing his finger to my lips.

"Please don't bring it up okay. I forgive you." He said as he pulled out a book.

"YAYYY!!" i yelled and threw my arms around him and squeezing him with all my might."EVERYONE NATHAN FORGAVE ME!!" I yelled through the plane.

"That's nice dear." And old lady said to us on her way to the bathroom. "Just don't forget to use a condom."

We both looked at each other and started laughing uncontrollably. Oh i've missed him.

~~~Author's Note~~~

Okay guys thank you so much to everyone who helped me get to 2,000 reads, you are the best!! This chapter is just kinda like a filler chapter but oh well, i hope you like it. Also Justine is @JustineTWFan so go follow her on twitter because she is amazballs.!! Dont forget to Comment because i love construstive critisisms so tell me what you think. Thanks guys, love you. xx

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