Chapter 11- When a Boy and a Girl Love Each Other.

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"ouch" I yelled as I jumped up. I looked around the bus to see all the boys with their bags in their hands. We must have arrived at the hotel, I wonder where we are. My thoughts were interrupted by Jay tossing me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I yelled hitting his back lightly with fists. "We are in Sheffield Vanessa you need to carry your own bags, lazy." He said sleepily as he set me down outside the bus where my bags were. The sky was dark and cloudy. I wrapped my arms around my body as a shiver ripped through my body. I just stood in the middle of the parking lot watching Big Kev get everything out of the bus, after everything was out I picked up my stuff and headed for the hotel.

"So are you going to come out to the clubs with us?" Tom yelled in my ear sounding a little too excited. I looked up at the clock on the wall and gave him a weird look.

"Uhm tom its 2 o'clock in the moring plus you guys have an interview in the morning." I said to him as Martin handed me my room key. I thanked him and walked twords the elevator.

"Oh sorry mom." Tom teased in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah jeez Vanessa when did you turn into the fun police" max second pressing the floor level button in the elevator.

"Sorry boys just looking out for you, all I know is that I am about to pass out." I mumbled as I lent my head against the edge of the wall.

"Whatever floats your goat." Siva said shrugging his shoulders. Everyone turned to him giving him a look like 'what the fuck"

"what" he said as he looked down seeming embarrassed.

"Siva.......the expression is 'whatever floats your boat'' not goat" Nathan said stifling a laugh. Everyone burst into laughter.

"Alright Alright" Siva said moving his hands up and down.

The elevator doors opened and everyone piled out. I made it to my door and turned around to the boys. "Alright lads have fun, if you need me wait until the morning." I said giving them a wink and walking into my room. They all shouted their goodnights and walked to their own rooms.

I set my stuff on the bed and pulled out my pajamas. A nice hot shower sounded so good to me. I walked in the bathroom and turned the shower on. I pulled the hair tie from my hair causing my chestnut brown hair to fall down my back. I stared in the mirror at my face. I looked so much like my mom, its like permanent reminder of her. I pulled my top over my head and pushed my sweatpants down to my ankles. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water run over my body.

After about 10 minutes I herd something crash in the other part of the hotel room. I froze with fear. I quickly shut the water of and stepped out of the shower carefully. I put my ear up to the door.

"Shit" Someone muttered on the other side. I jumped and ran to the other side of the counter. Holy fuck someone broke into my hotel room, they are gonna steal all my stuff. Or what if they are gonna murder me. Thoughts ran through my head when I looked over to see metal pole that held the towels. I quickly ran over and wiggled it so it came out of the base. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I tip toed to the door and cracked it open a bit. I poked my head through and didn't see anything, U stepped out into the room as I herd a pan drop in the kitchen. I jumped 10 feet in air and ran and hid under the bed. I army crawled my way under the bed and tucked my legs in. I peaked out the edge to see a familiar pair of trainers.

"Nathan!" I yelled from under the bed, wiggling trying to get out "What are you doing in my room"

"Max was that you?" Nathan questioned as two more pairs of shoes came into my view.

"No you ass whole it was me!" I shouted trying everything to get out from under the bed but my butt was too big so I was stuck. I began to panic and wiggle more.

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