Chapter 5- Tom Will You Please Put Your Pants Back On?

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"I love you so much Vanessa." Nathan said as he stared deep into my eyes. We both started to lean forward.

"I love you too Nathan, more than you could ever imagine." i responded my voice so full of love.

Suddenly i was awoken by the sound of my ring-tone. "What the hell was that." i said as i reached over to grab my phone off the end table.

Incoming Call


"Hey Martin" i said down the phone."Hey Vanessa, its Nathan." oh god why is he calling. Is he doing this on purpose.

"Errr hey Nathan, whats up." i said ending it with a yawn. "Sorry if i woke you up i was just told to call you and tell you to meet us at the office so we can go over tour stuff." he replied.

"Oh okay well thanks for telling me ill be there in a half an hour!" i said getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom to turn the shower on.

"Okay i will text you the address. See you in a few Ness."

"Bye Nathan" i sighed and hung up the phone. This is going to be a long tour.

I quickly took my shower and did all the stuff i needed to do in the bathroom. i got dressed leaving myself time to go get breakfast. (Vanessa's Outfit- )

I walked out of the hotel only to be swarmed by paparazzi.


I couldnt believe my eyes. How the hell did they find me, i havent been in the public eye for 4 years.

"excuse me, please excuse me." i spoke quietly trying to push my way through the crowd of grown men. 

"HEY! MOVE GET OUT OF HER WAY SHE IS JUST A GIRL!"  i herd over all the shouts of my name. I felt someone pull my arm and drag me into the street. I looked up to see a tall boy with blond hair that stood up at the front kinda like Siva's but shorter. His face was flawless with a tanned complexion and you could tell he had been working out. His bright blue eyes stared into my brown ones and i was completely lost. He was Hot.

"Wow are you okay?" He said as he pulled me over to a park bench.

"yeah i think so." i said looking over my body to make sure i wasn't bleeding anywhere.

"Im Blake by the way."

"Vanessa" i responded putting my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand and pulled me in for a kiss on the cheek. I need to remember that they do that here, i quite like it.

"So what was that about Vanessa?"

"To be honest i have no idea" i said standing up. I wasn't about to give this kid my whole life story."I have to be going though i have a meeting to get to, but thank you so much for helping me out back there." i said with a smile.

"Wait before you go here take my number." Blake said taking out a sharpie from his pocket. He grabbed my hand a scribbled his number on my hand.

"haha bye Blake." i said waving and walking away.

"Dont forget to text me maybe we can do something tonight." he yelled after me. i just waved signaling that i will.

I finally made my way to the office and was perfectly on time. I opened to door to be greeted by a Nerf gun bullet to the forehead.

"Oops sorry Nessa." Jay said as he ran up to me pulling the bullett off my forehead and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I kissed him back.

"Its okay," i said as i set my purse down on an end table.

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