Chapter 5: Better Off Dead

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Song: Everybody Hates Me by The Chainsmokers

"Hey Vance! Wait up! You ready for this?"

"Nope. It's not like we have a choice though." Today was the day. The first "group bonding" session with the soccer team. What did coach Davidson think this was going to accomplish? If you ask me, this was asking for World War 3. Zhang and I started walking towards towards the locker room, but when we arrived, none of us were ready for what we saw.

"We always change in locker room A - just go to locker room B!" yelled Trinity.

"Nah, we're good. Last time I checked this was the soccer team's locker room, so I suggest you hockey players move along before somebody here gets hurt," shot back Zaavan.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Just the usual. You hockey players always wanting what's ours," said Zaavan casually.

"We were here first!" Trinity looked as if he was about to strangle Zaavan when a voice interrupted him.

"Ummm...I think you guys may be in the wrong place?" We turned our heads to face a small, scrawny boy with dark-rimmed glasses.

"I suggest you beat it dork, before you get hurt," shot Trinity.

"What is going on here?" In walked coach Wilson, followed by coach Davidson. "Did none of you even read the email I sent out last night? You will all be using locker room C from now on."

"What? That place must be about a hundred years old!" protested Trinity.

"Well, locker room B is under construction and Principal Harrington wanted locker room A for the only sports team still standing, which is the ping pong team."

"The ping pong team?! Why do they even need a locker room?! Ping pong isn't even a real sport!" protested Zaavan.

"Our decision is final. Now leave."

Locker room C must be the nastiest place in whole school. The place didn't even have individual showers. How did a high tech, super modern school like AM even have a section of their building looking like this?

"Wait - we have to shower in the open? In front of everyone?! And there are no changing stalls!" I pursed my lips and shook my head. What an over-privileged jerk. Why did Zaavan have to make such a big deal about everything. Seriously - I bet he just loved attention.

"Well that shouldn't be a problem. You're all boys after all." With that, both the coaches left us to change. Zaavan of course decided to make a big show by leaving to go change in the boys' bathroom.

"Man, what's his deal?" I asked Zhang. He simply shrugged.

With that many people, it took a while to change but once we were finally out, coach Davidson gave us our partners for the month. Guess who I got.

I let out a groan.

"What? Miss me that much?" smirked Zaavan.

"Let's just get this over with."

Honestly, the activities were not that bad. We started off by asking each other questions to "get to know our partner better." Blech. Next, we went on a school scavenger hunt. That was my favorite. We just spent the whole time ignoring each other. Finally, it was time for our last task for the day.

"So this one will be a friendly competition with you and your partner and another pair. One partner will carry the other on his back for 5 laps. Then, you will switch and the one carrying will get carried for five laps going the opposite way. The pair who finishes first will win! Yay teamwork!"

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