Thank You

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Thank you

Hi guys! I just want to take the time to say thank you to everyone for reading until the end. I don't even have the words to describe how I feel right now, it's just so incredible. I'm really sensitive so writing this story was really emotional for me. There were actually times where I finished writing or editing a chapter and I was in tears. I honestly didn't think that this many people would actually want to read what I write or that my story and writing was even any good. I was so nervous when I posted my first chapter but writing this story turned out to be one of the best things that I have ever done. I am so glad that I get to be part of such an amazing, positive and accepting community. Really, you guys are the best. Thank you so much for everything <3

Sequels / spin-offs

As for any sequels or spin-offs, I've decided to just end the story here for now. I kind of like how Vance and Zaavan's story ended. Maybe in the future I'll do some more with this story but I'm not sure yet. Are there any characters you guys would like to see in a spin-off?

Next Story

I am currently working on the details for a new story and I really hope to have it up as soon as possible for you guys!


If you guys have any questions at all about Wandering Fireflies or any of the characters feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer them all :)

By the way, the title is Wandering Fireflies because like Katja says in chapter 11: "Well, if you look at a firefly, it doesn't look any different than a normal bug. However, once nighttime falls, they come out and show their true selves. They let their light, their inner beauty shine through. Kind of Well teenagers in general, tend to just want to fit in, even though we're all very different. It's rare for any of us to be who we truly are because we're scared to show the world our uniqueness. In the end, we just blend in and hide." Vance and Zaavan are kind of like fireflies and they're wandering from the path that they were supposed to follow and exploring and discovering themselves and other options.

Anyways, love you guys and thanks again for everything. Stay strong and remember to spread love and be kind. Seriously, there's so much hate in this world that there can never be enough love and kindness.


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