Chapter 24: How To Love

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A/N: I heard that most readers don't like drama after drama, so I'm going to write a few lighter chapters before I add the next blow of drama. Don't worry - big things are coming...

Song: Heaven by Bryan Adams

"Hey mom? This is Vance, can he stay over for dinner?"

Zaavan's mom spun around to examine me. Just as I was starting to feel uncomfortable, she pursed her lips and said: "That's alright, but what happened to that nice friend of yours? The girl with brown hair?"

I shifted uncomfortably and felt Zaavan tense up beside me. "Do you mean Katja?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"Yes, she's a very nice girl. You should invite her and some more female friends over sometime. Wouldn't that be nice?" Zaavan was clearly upset but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by a tall, arrogant looking man walking in.

It was clearly his dad. The second he laid his eyes upon me, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Who is this?" he asked in a calm voice.

"He's my friend, Vance."

"I see. Well why don't you two help set the table?"

"Of course, Father," I said with a smile. Zaavan looked shocked at his dad's politeness, but since he was the town priest, it was expected of him.

Though as much as I hated the way Zaavan's mom treated him, I had to admit, that woman could cook.

"Beth honey, please put the phone away."

"But Mom, Kiana just got a new follower and now she has more than me and I need to have more than Kiana-"

"Listen to your mother Beth," Zaavan's dad warned as Jason rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," she mumbled. It seemed like an ordinary family dinner and under normal circumstances, it would've felt pretty comfortable. But it was as clear as day that the atmosphere around us was thick with tension. I could feel Zaavan's nervousness beside me. He didn't even once look up from his plate, as if he was afraid that his dad could smell the gay off of him.

So me being me decided to be a dick in an attempt to get him to lighten up a bit.

Underneath the table, I casually knocked my knee against Zaavan's. The physical contact sent shivers down my spine and Zaavan must've felt something too because he choked on the piece of chicken he was eating and started to cough.

I bit down on my lip and looked away to stop myself from bursting out laughing.

"Oh my gosh you are so disgusting," spat Beth bitterly. Boy, did she hate Zaavan.

His dad shook his head disapprovingly and Jason handed Zaavan a glass of water. He glared over the rim of his glass at me as he drank. I just gave him an innocent look.

"So Vance," started Zaavan's dad. Oh no. Here come the questions. "I see you're a church going man. It's very good to see you every Sunday."

"Thank you, Father. It's important to learn and take part in religion. Especially after the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and everything he had done for us." At this point, I didn't even know what I was saying anymore, I just wanted to impress Zaavan's dad.

"What a very good boy," emphasized his mom. Oh, so I'm a dog now? Zaavan tensed up beside me.

"And what did you get into Audrey Maeve's for?" he inquired.

"Being exceptional at hockey," I answered.

"My my, what a fine young lad indeed." His smiled offered little comfort. There was something else behind it, something malicious.

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