nineteen: loving and losing

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loving and losing


To say there was a tension in the air that hung around them was an understatement. More than the tension there was this silent, cold war that happened between them, something that Dara would never know nor understand. She doesn't even notice it. "Babe, what are you doing here?" Dara looked up to Jiyong who just gently tucked her hair behind her ears.

Jiyong smiled, "I wanted to see the place your planning to get." His eyes darted on the man who stood before them still with that silly smile plastered on his face. Never would he thought that he would see him again. Youngbae did tell him the tragedy that befell at Blue Horizon Mental Institution and he clearly remembered seeing his name on the list of the people who died on that day. Seeing him stood before him, dressed in expensive designer clothes with that smile he was aching to wipe off his lips, then he knew they got played. He instantly regretted not killing him off with his own hands.

"Well, I think I would really get this place. It's everything I wanted, spacious and bright." Dara ended with a sigh before lazily looking at the guy who was looking at them. The one who apparently owned the whole place. "If only, the owner is not this irritating." Dara flatly said, flipping her hair. Even her couldn't get why she felt uneasy in his presence. Maybe it was because of the way he stares like he was some hungry predator surveying his prey. But more than that, he looked at her with so much longing like they have been together and was separated for the longest time.

She hated the unknown emotions he woke up by his mere presence.

Jiyong chuckled a little, eyes landing on Joongki who didn't even lose his smile yet he felt how he went rigid in his place. Jiyong gently caressed her hair, kissing the crown of her hair. "Now, my love, behave." Dara just rolled her eyes, burying herself in his arms once more.

"I behave." The lady grimaced against his chest.

"Well, my fiancee, seemed to take a liking on this whole place." Jiyong turned to Joongki who was now relaxed, placing his hands inside his pockets. Oh, how he hated it every time the latter addressed the lady his. She was his first, not Kwon Jiyong's fiancee. She was just Park Sandara before, his girlfriend, the woman he was bound to marry. But all of that fell apart when he stepped in their life.

He ruined everything, his fist clenched tightly just at the thought of it.

"Well, she will really like it. This was her dream place." Joongki smirked making Dara whipped her head to glare at him. Their eyes met as Joongki gave her a boyish smile. The smile that used to be exclusive to her. Jiyong felt his jaws clenched, his hand itching to bury a bullet in his forehead. Was this guy really asking for his death? Whatever games he was playing, he's not gonna be a willing participant in it especially if Dara was the one on the line.

When it comes to Dara, he's not willing to gamble. He wouldn't play a game he's not sure he will win. There was no room for mistakes when it comes to her.

Jiyong smiled small. "How much?" Joongki almost rolled his eyes at his statement. This guy knows nothing but to use the power of his money to get everything he wanted. He gave him an arrogant smirk. Not this time, he wanted to spit it on his face. Your money won't get you anywhere this time. I have done my waiting, I have suffered for years while you enjoyed every moment you have in her arms. You're not gonna win this time, Kwon Jiyong.

If he can't drag her to hell, he will bring hell to him. It's time to take what is originally his and make him pay for everything he did.

"I'm sorry, this place isn't for sale that's why I have it up for lease." Youngbae glanced over Jiyong worriedly. Jiyong had always been good when it comes to dealing with this kind of bullshit, only he knew as well how impatient he becomes when it comes to his queen.

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