Mad Shiver

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I get this mad shiver down my spine summerly satisfying

Like joyously sipping wine with someone loved and deeply cherished

Wrapped tightly in a blanket of warmth, comfort, seclusion, and security

I dissipate with every inch of purity

Anticipate every second thereafter

Waiting for the day when this mad shiver will be my captor

I'm determined to undermine the like of you

As if your ways could be crafted and charted from the results I often applauded

I think

I sense

I feel

Hence I begin to peel

Peel apart apart from where I started leaving me discarded

But hey, what a bargain!

I find myself drawn to oceans of you drowning, yet, drinking everything in

Pierced by a thousand pins being smothered in the sweetest things

Nectars, oils, and a few bare essentials

Especially precious, specifically temptable

Yes, indeed there is a toll and although this

Mad shiver quivers my very soul

I choose to lose myself to self control

Nonetheless the more and more I experience this tingling sensation

The more and more I haven't a clue

All I know is the giver

And that this mad shiver comes only from you

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