Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to amaZayn! :D

Chapter Four :

So far I have been in a car with two of the most annoying people I have ever met. We have been driving for at least twenty minutes and it felt like days. Finally the car stopped at a complex, I made a confused look at both of the boys and they just stared at me with no answer.

"So? Why are we here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Because I just remembered I had extra carrots here," Louis said with a grin. This must be the place where they live. They both started walking away from me, so I followed them. Harry opened the door to reveal two boys sitting on the couch playing video games.

"Hello!" Louis screamed. I rolled my eyes. Why did he scream? Kyla should have warned me. I looked at the two boys on the couch, one was Niall and the other looked like Zayn.

"Who is she?" Zayn asked looking at me.

"Aria," Louis said, "Found her in the store."

"Because Louis stole her carrots," Harry said. The four boys started laughing, I don't know why though. Niall looked up at me.

"Oh! Aria! I know you!" Niall said still laughing, "You bumped into me at the airport!"

"Yep," I said. They paused the game they were playing and Niall ran up to the bags of food sitting on the counter in the kitchen. Zayn followed along with the other two.

"So you met her?" Louis asked Niall.

"Yeah," Niall said stuffing his face with doritos. As the four boys talked, I decided to sit down at the table and text Kyla.

Me: U wont believe what just happened! :)

Kyla: U met them?

Me: Yep.....Lou, Harry, Zayn, and Niall :)

Kyla: What about Liam? :)

Me: Nope.....

Kyla: Freaking out! Send me pics!

Me: No way!

Kyla: Fine......:(

Me: Bye Bye :)

Kyla: Bye!

I looked up from my phone and got a bag of carrots thrown at me by Louis.

"Really? You had to throw them?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah, air travel," Louis said laughing, the others laughed too.

"You are very childish," I said to him. I grabbed the bag of carrots and opened the door to leave.

"What? You're leaving already?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, it isn't like I am going to stay," I said, "I have to go to a stupid party."

"I love parties!" Louis exclaimed.

"Nice to know," I said rolling my eyes again.

"Well, if you are leaving, nice meeting you!" Zayn said.

"I'll call you!" Niall said. The boys looked at him, "I have her number."

"I want your number!" Louis screamed.

"That wouldn't be a good idea," I said, "I should get going."

"Bye!" Niall said, his mouth was still filled with food. I walked out of the door and then I knocked on the door again. I needed a ride to the hotel.

"Who is it?" someone asked, it sounded like Niall.

"Aria," I replied. The door was opened by Zayn and I walked in.

"Miss us already?" Harry said.

"No, never in a million years," I said.

"That's mean," Zayn said walking over to the others.

"So why did you return?" Louis asked me.

"I need a ride back to the hotel I am staying at," I answered, "So, could one of you drive me there?"

"I will!" Harry said. That was easy.

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