Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine :

Laura, Niall, and I sat on the couch in my hotel room. Harry, Louis, and Liam went somewhere to eat, because Niall and Laura practically ate the entire pizza before they could. The reason? Laura decided to have another competition with Niall; who could eat the most slices of pizza. Niall won.

"I am so bored," Laura said putting her ipod down onto her lap, "My sister and Zayn have been out for like, two hours, just because of a phone. I think they're up to something."

"Like secret dating?" I questioned. Laura nodded, "I should call her."

"No! What if they're on a date!? I don't want to ruin Megan's chances with Zayn!" Laura exclaimed grabbing my phone out of my hands.

"You just want Zayn to be your brother in-law if they ever get married, don't you?" I laughed. Laura rolled her eyes.

"And Louis, Haz, and Li have been out for an hour; they haven't returned," Niall added.

"Maybe they are on a date?" I joked. We all laughed.

"Okay, what should we do?" Laura asked, "I'm bored and I leave tomorrow."

"Hmm....we a movie?" I suggested. Niall and Laura both shook their heads.

"I've watched movies before, so no," Laura rolled her eyes again.

"Aria, we need to do something that Lars has never done before. Lars, what is something you have never down?" Niall asked Laura. Laura bit her lip and then stared at the floor. Then she looked up at the both of us.

"I never made a cake," Laura smirked.

"Then let's make a cake!" Niall exclaimed. I shook my head no, "C'mon, Aria! Don't be a party pooper!"

"Making a cake is a bad idea," I said crossing my arms. They both gave me sad puppy dog faces, "No. I know how you guys act, and I don't want to have housekeeping ask me why my kitchen was covered in flour."

"We promise we won't make a mess!" Niall begged.

"No, I don't even think I have an oven," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you do! It is underneath the stove, duh," Laura rolled her eyes, "Please? We can use Megan's room, it's always a mess!"

"How about we make cookies instead?" I suggested getting up off the couch.

"Fine," the two of them muttered.

"But I don't think I have any of the ingrediants," I said going into the kitchen.

"We can call the people downstairs in their kitchen," Laura said following me into the kitchen. I turned around and looked at her.

"Why would they allow us to borrow food?" I asked crossing my arms. Laura shurgged.

"Well, if we can't make something, then can we go to the park?" Laura asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "You pick what you want to do."

"Okay....," Laura bit her lip again and stared at the floor, "Make cookies or a brownies or a cake or-"

"Just pick a dessert!" I exclaimed, "I'll call room service, asking if they could get us some food."

I grabbed the phone and asked if Niall and Laura could figure out what they would like to make. Laura came running out of the kitchen saying that we should make chocolate chip cookies, and I told them to not bother me while I make the call.

"I would like to ask you if we can get some ingredients?" I asked into the phone.

"Ingredients? For what?" the person on the otherside of the call asked.

"Well, my friends and I wanted to make, I called if you could loan us some food?" I questioned.

"Okay...we'll charge you though," the person replied.

"That's fine," I smiled, "Can you send the food up as soon as possible?"

"Sure. What type of cookies are you making?"

"Chocolate chip."

"I'll have someone send them up," the person said. I thanked whoever that was and hung up the phone. Laura and Niall were on my laptop, at the table, looking up the best recipes for chocolate chip cookies.

"This one involves more sugar," Niall said pointing at the screen.

"Yeah, but if we put to much sugar in the cookies, everyone will be bouncing off the walls," Laura retorted.

"Who said we were sharing?" Niall asked.

There was a knock at the door and I went to answer it. I opened the door and smiled, already knowing who it was, due to the fact that I looked through the peep hole.

"Hello?" I smiled nicely.

"Here you go," the man said handing me a bag of sugar. He had more stuff, so I called Niall to come out and help.

"I call holding the chocolate!" Niall exclaimed. I saw the man roll his eyes. He handed Niall the bag of chocolate chips and other things.

"Set them on the counter," Laura instructed when we returned. We both did as told. I got a bowl out of the cupboard and started mixing the ingredients.

"Can you pour a cup of white sugar?" I asked Niall. Niall nodded and picked up the bag, but then dropped it. My jaw dropped, while Laura and Niall just stared at the sugar, "See, this is why none of us should be chefs."

Laura, Niall, and I laughed. All of us just staring at the sugar. This happened to me once with Kyla and MacKenzy. MacKenzy decided she wanted to make a cake, so Kyla and I agreed to help. Kyla dropped the bag of flour and we started a food fight. We ended up not making the cake and covered in flour. All three of us were grounded for like two weeks and weren't allowed to help make any type of dessert for the rest of the year.

"Catch!" Niall said taking a handful of the spilt sugar and throwing it at me. I glared at him.

"You did not just throw that," I glared. Niall and Laura laughed. I bent down and picked up some sugar and flung it at the both smiling people. They both looked at me wide eyed.

"SUGAR WAR!" Niall yelled. Laura took some of the sugar and threw it at Niall, he dodged her throw, making the sugar go all through my hair.

The 'sugar war' went on for at least twenty minutes, but ended when someone knocked on the door. We all stared at our clothes, covered in tiny white crystals called sugar.

"I'm not answering the door looking like this," I motioned to my outfit.

"We never made the cookies," Laura brushed some sugar off of her shirt, "That's a good thing."

"Why?" Niall asked picking up some sugar and putting it into his mouth. I laughed.

"We would have burned down the hotel if we turned the oven on," Laura joked. We all laughed and then I got up, brushing some sugar off of me.

"Hello?" I asked opening the door.

"What is in your hair?" Liam asked coming in.

"Sugar, why?" I asked as Harry and Louis also walked in. Louis walked into the kitchen and then gasped.

"You had a food fight without me!?" Louis gasped, "How dare you three!"

"Sorry," Niall said coming out of the kitchen, "We were originally making cookies."

"We failed," Laura said picking some of the specks of sugar out of the black hair. They looked a little like snowflakes.

"You three have to clean that mess up," Liam said looking at the floor.

"Why?" the three of us asked.

"Because you made it," Harry answered for Liam. I rolled my eyes and then walked back into the kitchen. Harry, Louis, and Liam all turned around to leave, but I had a suprise for them. I picked up some sugar and threw it at their backs.

"Sugar War two is about to begin," Louis said turning around. And that was how the sugar wars began......

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