Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two :

I may sound stupid when I say this, but I think Megan is starting to get feelings for Zayn. She just said that Dylan and her aren't meant for Zayn may have a chance!

Everyone sat in the main room, we were asking each other random questions.

"Okay, Laura, you can ask first," Megan said. Laura nodded and looked at everyone, then she stopped at Niall.

"I am going to ask Niall a question," Laura said, "I just have to think first."

"I thought you would pick Liam," Louis said. Liam elbowed him and Louis fake cried into Harry's shoulder, which made me a little jealous for some odd reason.

"No, I already know alot about him," Laura rolled her eyes. Liam looked a little scared because he scooted a little bit away from her, allowing me to let a small laugh escape.

"Okay, ask away," Niall said throwing his hands into the air, "I will answer anything!"

"Niall, what was the scariest nightmare you ever had?" Laura asked.

"Well...." Niall looked down at the ground, "I had one dream about all the food in the world disappearing. I cried alot after that happened, it felt so real."

Megan, Laura, and I bursted into laughed, while the guys started talking.

"I knew it!" Louis said, "It said that online and I didn't know if I should have believed it!"

"So that was why you were mad for a week..." Harry's voice trailed off.

"Okay, Nialler, your turn," Liam said. Niall nodded and then looked around. He then stopped at Harry.

"Harry, will you ever ask Aria to be your girlfriend?" Niall asked. Harry blushed a little bit and smiled. Then he stared at me, causing my cheeks to turn pink.

"Maybe," he said.

"Harry, your tu-" Harry cut Louis off.

"I know, okay...." Harry looked around the room and then stopped at Zayn, "Zayn, name one thing you can never live without."

"Chicken," Zayn replied.

"I thought you would say hair products," Megan muttered. Zayn just rolled his eyes.

"I don't love my hair that much," Zayn said, he then looked around the room and stopped at Louis, "Louis, if you were a girl, who would you love in the band?"

"Harry!" Louis exclaimed, "Okay...Laura, who is your second favorite in One Direction?"

"Well, Harry...but he's taken," Laura said smiling at me, making me blush a little more, "So I will go with, Louis Tomlinson."

"Woo hoo!" Louis said raising his arms in the air, "I rock! Beat that, Liam!"

"Okay, Laura, you ask away," Liam said ignoring Louis.

"Megan, if you had to choose someone in One Direction to marry, who would it be?" Laura asked her older sister. Megan looked at all of the five boys and then at the ground.

"I don't know. None of them are really cute cute," Megan answered, causing my eyes and Zayn's to grow wide.

"Really? But what if you had to choose one?" Louis asked.

"You're not the one supposed to be asking, Lou," Megan said, "Okay, Aria, if you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?"

"Hmmm.....I am going to say....New Zealand," I answered, "Let's see...." I looked around the room, "Harry, what is your worst habit?"

"Getting naked all the time," Harry said with no hesitation.

"For real?" I asked.

"For real," Harry replied.

"He's telling the truth," Louis said, "All five of us, guys, have seen him nude."

"Ew!" I said covering my eyes with my hands.

"Zayn, if you were stranded on an island, who would you bring with you?" Harry asked, ignoring my comment.

"Louis," Zayn replied.

"What? Louis is mine!" Harry shouted, causing all of us to laugh.

"I thought you had Aria?" Zayn laughed.

"I do, but she can wait!" Harry said, causing me to playfully punch him in the arm, "Ow!"

"That is what you get," I smirked.

"Liam, what is your favorite song?" Zayn asked, "Laura, you can answer if he doesn't answer in five seconds."

"What?" Liam questioned. Zayn started counting down.

"Five, four, three, two, one," Zayn went down the small list.

"But, I'm supposed-" Liam was cut off.

"Happy Birthday," Laura answered.

"Correct," Liam muttered, causing all of us to laugh.

"Okay, Liam, you can ask," Laura said.

"Would you ever date a fan?" Liam asked.

"Yes, as long as they don't fan girl in front of me," Niall replied. Right before he could ask someone a questione, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I said running to answer the door. I opened the door, to see my aunt.

"Hello, Aria," Aunt Melinda smiled, causing me to get all nervous.

"Hey, Aunt Melinda," I waved slowly, "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to visit my niece," Aunt Melinda said, "And to ask you about this," she pulled out a magazine from her large purse and handed it to me, "Please explain why you are inside there making out with a singer."

"I wasn't making out with a singer, Aunt Melinda. You got that all wrong, that isn't me," I lied playing with the magazine's pages.

"But it says Aria Clarke," Aunt Melinda said staring at me with her light blue eyes. Her eyes felt like they were burning my soul.

"I know...fine. It was me," I confessed, "But we weren't making out. He kissed me and I pulled away. I slapped him."

"I know, I read the article."


"Aria, do you know these boys?" Aunt Melinda pulled the magazine away from me.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Aria, speak up. I don't like hearing people mumble," Aunt Melinda ordered.

"Yes, I know them! Why do you care!?" I yelled. This caused some people to come up.

"Aria, what is going on?" Harry asked opening the door a little wider to see my aunt.

"Why were you screaming?" Liam said, he stood behind Harry. I turned around to face them.

"Family bonding," I said sarcastically. I turned back around to face my aunt, "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were fine, that's all," Aunt Melinda swallowed, "I will be going, it looks like you don't need me here."

"I don't," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Aunt Melinda questioned looking me in the eye.

"Nothing," I hugged her, hoping she would hug me back. I wanted her to forgive me about my out burst. She hugged back and left.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked as I closed the door. I didn't realize Liam and Harry were still there.

"Nothing that involves you guys," I lied, putting a fake smile onto my lips.

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