Chapter Seventy One

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Chapter Seventy One w/ note :

Kyla's P.O.V

"Do you really think that Aria went to Starbucks?" I asked Niall. He shrugged, "She's been gone for an hour and it doesn't take that long to get a coffee."

"Aria probably used that as a cover," Niall said stroking my hair. I was laying on his lap and we both were watching TV. Well, talking to each other while the TV was on, if you wanted to say.

"What?" I asked.

"She probably just said that, I bet she went to Harry's flat," Niall replied. I nodded and then turned to face the TV. I had no idea what was on, but I do know that a lady in red was talking about celebrities. And the next story was about One Direction.

"People who went to one of the Starbucks today, in London, say that One Direction was there. With three girls. Who are the girls?" the reporter said. I looked at the screen, in awe. They were showing pictures of today.

"Why is there pictures?" I asked, sounding stupid, while pointing at the screen.

"The paps are everywhere," Niall answered.

"One of the girls was Aria Clarke. Or you can call her the 'Mystery girl'. And Harry was seen with a girl, who hasn't really been seen on camera with the boys before. Her name is Savannah Smith and currently broke up with one of the band members from The Wanted. Alot of men say she is a gold digger, but when you look at the pictures, is she actually in love with Harry Styles? Or only using him?" the reporter said with a smile. I looked at Niall, he also looked a little confused.

"The Wanted?" I questioned, "What the heck it that?"

"You really don't know alot about boybands, do you?" Niall chuckled.

"I only know of you and the Jonas Brothers. But the Jonas Brothers are long gone, and The Wanted is your rival?" I said.

"You can say that, but their isn't competition between us. One of the guys in the band calls us his little brothers."

"Oh, that is nice."

"Yeah, it kinda is," Niall's eyes returned to the TV, "Did they just show you?"

"What?" I asked looking back at the screen.

"-is named Kyla. The boys were heard calling her that. Is she dating the boys, if so, which one? And is she a gold digger too?" the reporter smirked and left a wink. Then started talking about someone else.

"I am not a gold digger!" I exclaimed, "What the heck? Who do those people think they are?"

"Don't worry," Niall said turning the channel, "I bet that no one thinks that."

"How many channels are talking about today?" I asked staring at the screen. Another reporter was talking about today, but he was a man.

"Well, One Direction is popular," Niall joked. I laughed a little, and then tuned into what this moron had to say.

"Fans of One Direction have been saying that the girl seen with them is also being followed by three of the guys," the man said. He had black hair, but part of it was grey, "We've done some research and the girl is named Kyla Martin. She is best friends with Aria Clarke. Right now, if you check twitter, she is getting more followers than the minute. But not as much as the five boys. There was another girl unknown seen with the boys. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and dating Harry Styles? What happened to Aria? And is there any jealousy going around? Stay tuned to find out more about this blondie."

"I'm going on twitter," I stated sitting up and grabbing Aria's laptop from the floor. Niall watched me as I typed in the password.

"How do you know that?" Niall asked.

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