Chapter 1

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As early morning in Altea rose, a swift from a young, homeless boy named Keith ran around the block avoiding the palace guards.

“RIFF RAFF!” “SCOUNDREL!” “STREET RAT!” Is what he would hear behind him.

“All this for a loaf of bread?” He thought to himself.

“STOP THAT THEIF!!” A guard would yell from behind. Keith eventually hid as the guards ran passed. Once gone, he would quickly run the other way around. That is, until someone stops him.

“Now what did you steal this time Keith?” he looked up to see Shiro with his arms crossed, his life long pal and his two other friends Hunk and Matt.

“Steal? What exactly are you talking about Shiro?” Keith pretend not to know.

“Well then what do you have here?” Hunk questioned as he snatched the bread from Keith’s hands.

Keith scrambled “Hey! A guy’s gotta eat!”

“Come on Keith, you and Shiro showed us every little thing you know.” Matt began.

“Besides, you’re probably stealing from the rich and giving to the poor….even though we are the poor.”

“And you promised you Mom you wouldn’t steal again.” Shiro reminded

“Come on guys, I don’t want to be thought as a thief my whole life.” Keith said with a sigh.

As on cue, the guards have found the four of them.

“THEIF!” One said mainly pointing at Keith.

Shiro sighed “Well boys, we know the drill….TIME TO RUN!” He said as they ran off the other direction.

Eventually they ran off their own directions when Keith was caught by the head guard. He swung his sword as Keith ducked and ran.

Keith climbed a building when the guards reached him. Keith looked twice before saying...

“Well boys, wish me a happy landing, because now it’s time for me to JUMP!“ He said as he jumped out a window with a blanket to help keep him floating.

“DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY!” The head guard screamed as they jumped out but fell down into a pile of dirt.

Meanwhile with a safe success, Keith caught up with his friends.

“Well that was easy.” He said as he began to split the bread among them.

From the corner of his eye, Keith saw two small kids digging for food. Poor kids were starving and were denied service from a local apple vendor.

Keith took the bread and gave it to them “Here, go on take it, I wasn’t that hungry anyways.” He said.

With joy, the kids thanked Keith and ran off.

“Well there goes lunch.” Matt said as he took off.

"You and your kindness.” Shiro said.

“We’ll if you need us, we’ll be looking for a place to starve to death.” Hunk said gloomy as he held his stomach.

“I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you guys!” Keith called out.

Keith soon began to hear trumpets...

“OUT OF THE WAY! PRINCESS SHAY APPROACHES!” one of the princess' attendants said while pushing people out of the way, eventually pushing down the kids he gave bread to.

Keith came to one’s aid “HEY! THEY’RE JUST KIDS! I’D AFFORD SOME MANNERS!” Keith yelled.


“Leave him be.” The princess said.
“On to the palace!”

The attendants gave a nasty glare at him as they left. Keith only stood there.

Soon, Keith went back to his and his pals poverty home, where he actually had a good view of the palace.

“If only I could be a Prince…” he thought.


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