Chapter 12

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Keith ran to the balcony where the Queen was standing.

“My boy, Have you seen Lance?” Allura asked. Keith looked out to the people in the crowd.

“No, I thought he’d be here?” Keith said.

Suddenly the Sky became a dark grey as a puff of smoke appeared.

Lotor showed up on the balcony. The people gasped. “PEOPLE OF ALTEA! BEHOLD YOUR NEW KING!” He announced.

Allura ran out. “Lotor what is the meaning of this?!” Lotor laughed.

Suddenly, Lotor revealed Lance and his attendants, all tied up.

Allura gasped. “Lotor! Release my son this instant!” Then Blue Suddenly attacked Lotor, but Lotor was fast and used his new powerful staff and turned him into a lion cub.
“BLUE!” Lance shouted.

Suddenly, Pidge appeared next to Lotor, The cuffs on Pidges wrists weren’t silver anymore, but were glowing purple under Lotor’s reign. She began to destruct the palace to create Lotor's empire. 

Keith saw what she was doing. “PIDGE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Keith yelled out.

the cuffs can shock in case she disobeyed. Lotor laughed as she couldn't disobeye with those cuffs on her wrists. Pidge then caused more distruction.

”I’m so sorry Keith! I’m no longer your genie!” she cried. “Ugly purple grape guy's first wish was to make the Prince his prisoner and his second wish was to make him King of Altea!” she said.

Keith turned to Lotor. “YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!” He yelled.

Lotor laughed once more. “Who's going to stop me?! Your friends?!” He said as he revealed Shiro, Matt, and Hunk all tied up as well.
“Sorry Keith.” Hunk said.
“Some hero’s we are.” Matt said.

Keith walked up to them. “You three were braver than I ever was.” He said.

Lotor then grabbed Keith and faced the crowd. “PEOPLE OF ALTEA! MEET THE REAL PRINCE ALI!” Lotor announced as he used his staff and removed all of Keith's prince attire and back to his street clothes.

Everyone gasped as they were shocked and lied to.

Lance stared at him. “I knew I recognized that Mullet anywhere.” He said.
Keith put on a sad face as the truth was out.

Lotor then used his staff and banished him. “Keith!” Lance screamed as Keith was banished into a desert with a sand storm.

Keith got up. The wind was too strong as he realized he was in the middle of nowhere. “No! No! No!” he yelled to himself. “I have to go back and Save Lance, Pidge, and my friends!” He said as he tried to figure his way back.

The storm was too strong and sand was getting in the way. Keith then tripped but was caught by something. He opened his eyes to find Rover!

“Rover! Buddy! I’m so glad to see you.” Keith said as he climbed on. “Come on! We need to get back to Altea and save everyone!” he commanded.

Rover then took off as they made their fast journey back to Altea.

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