Chapter 11

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The Next morning, Allura walked into Lance's chambers.
"My dear son, I cannot tell you how proud I am of you." She said hugging her son.
"Thank you Mother." Lance said.

Keith walked in and said, "I need to talk to you."
"Oh Lance told me everything." Allura said. "He made the right choice, My boy. This kingdom will be all yours once you're married."

Keith could only stare in worry. "Is something wrong?" Lance asked. Keith snapped out of his mind.
"Um, No, Everything is fine." He said.

Lance's attendants came running in. "Come on Prince Lance, We have lots to do." Axca said. Lance and Allura took off.

Keith walked back to his guest chambers to get ready.
Pidge pops out of her lamp. "how did it go?" She asked.

"I couldn't do it. They want to make me King." Keith said with worry. "All those people will be counting on me."

"Keith?" Pidge worried.
Keith turned around to face the short genie. "I'm sorry Pidge, I can't set you free. I'm going to need that wish someday." He said.

Pidge just looked at him all upset. Her heart has been broken knowing he was going to finally set her free, but broke promise.

"Oh," she began, taking a deep breath as she tried not to cry. "I understand, besides, you've lied to everyone else, I was beginning to feel left out." She said as a few tears ran down her face.

Keith felt bad. "Pidge I-"

"Save it. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my lamp, or should I say my prison cell!" she snapped.

Keith's eyes widened, he had known she was trapped for ten-thousand years but didn't expect the lamp to be her prison cell.

Pidge turned to leave. "Have a nice wedding, Keith." Pidge said as she disappeared into her lamp.

"Pidge wait!" it was too late, she already went into her lamp. Keith picked the lamp up and tried to rub it, nothing.
Come on Pidge, I'm sorry! I'm just so stressed out and-" He stopped rubbing the lamp and gave it. He set the lamp down on his pillow.

"Fine, stay in there, see if I care." Keith said.

Then suddenly, a voice called to him. "Ali? Are you ready for the engagement ceremony?" Lance's voice asked.

Keith ran out of the room. "Yes I'm on my way." He said as he took off.

Just then, Coran snuck into Keith's room and snatched the lamp. He then took off into Lotor's lair.
Sir! The Prince isn't really a Prince!" he exclaimed. Lotor looked at him.

"Really?" he asked very amused.

Coran massaged his mustache and said, "Apparently he was the diamond in the rough! And Look what I have!" Coran said as he took out the lamp from behind him.

Lotor smiled. "Good work Coran!" He said, taking the lamp from his hands. Lotor then rubbed the lamp and green smoke appeared.

Pidge sat with her arms crossed. "Keith, I don't want to-" she turned to look at Lotor and Coran. "You're not Keith!" Pidge shook in fear.

Lotor walked up to her closer.
"And you are my ticket to being king. I am your new Master!" Lotor Laughed as Pidge shook even more.


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