Chapter 14

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Pidge granted his wish.

Suddenly, Lotor blew into a puff of dark smoke and was transformed into a giant, evil genie.

“AT LAST THE POWER IS MINE!” Lotors dark voice boomed throughout the room.

Everyone took cover as he was about to do something, Until he started to be pulled down. “WAIT WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” He queationed as he was being pulled into the lamp.

“NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Lotor disappeared into the lamp, which was turned black.

All of his wishes were then reversed. The sky was a bright blue with the sun poking out, The palace was in its original form. Blue was turned back into an Adult Lion. She then ran to Lance and began to lick his face.

Keith grabbed the dark lamp. “Lotor wanted to be genie, well he got it. With phenomenal cosmic powers! And itty bitty living space.” Keith said.

Allura took the lamp from Keith and handed it to the head guard.
“Lock this in the royal vault and throw away the key.” She ordered.

She noticed The three men were still on Coran. “And take him to the dungeon.” She ordered. The guys got off him and Coran stood.

“You see, Lotor wasn’t really my partner….he was a work..friend?” Coran said. “I CAN’T GO IN THE DUNGEON!” He screamed as he ran off with the guards chasing him.

Keith walked up to Lance. “I’m sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you.” Keith said.

“And I thought I should just run when I had the responsibility for the people of Altea.” Lance replied.

Keith then faded his smile. "Now I better be heading back to where I came from." He said, knowing he was going back to his old life.

Lance frowned. "That stupid law!" He said. "If only we can be together."

"Actually!" Allura said. "There is a way." She said.
"Mother? What are you saying." Lance asked as she chuckled.

Allura walked up to them both.
“Well Keith, you have proven your bravery to us all. Even though you lied about being a prince, I guess I can forgive that. Especially since Lance spoke about you before.” She said.

“Well Am I the Queen or what? From now on, The Prince may marry who ever he would like.” She announced.

Lance covered his mouth and cried in excitement. “Really mother?!”
“Yes My son.” She said as she hugged him.

Allura then pulled away as the attendants ran up to Lance and hugged him. Lance then pulled away and held out his hands and faced Keith.

“Do you trust me Keith?” he asked. “What?” Keith smiled.
“Do you trust me?” Lance asked again. Keith took both of Lance’s hands. “I guess….yes.” Keith replied.

Pidge walked up to them. “As much as I love this, Keith, you still have one wish left.” She said. “Just one wish left, come on! Throw it at me! Anything!” She said excitedly.

Keith smiled at the short girl. “Pidge, I wish for your freedom!” He said.
“Alri-“ then she realized. “Wait what?!” She said looking at Keith.

“You heard me. I wish for your freedom! Your free now! You’re your own master now!” Keith said.

Suddenly the Cuffs on Pidge's wrists disappeared. It felt so good to feel free.
“Is this real?! I’m free? Really free?!” Pidge questioned excitedly.
“Keith! Wish for something crazy. Wish for the Mediterranean sea from Earth!” She begged.

“I wish for the Mediterranean!” Keith shouted.

“PIDGE!” Keith interrupted. He walked closer to Pidge. “I’m going to miss you.” He said.

“I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me, Keith.” She said as she hugged him. Keith hugged her back. “No matter what you will always be a Prince to me.” She says as she ran out into the balcony.

“Well, as my own master, I’ve gotta go! I’ve always wanted to travel myself. Couldn’t do it while I was in that lamp.”
A suit case magically appeared as she flew off.

“THANK YOU KEITH!!” she yelled as she left.

Keith waved as she left. “COME BACK AND VISIT ANY TIME!” He called out.

“WILL DO!” her fading voice said.

Now that Pidge was gone, Keith turned back to everyone inside.

Shiro pulled Keith into a tight hug.
“Oh I knew you’d make the right choice.” He said. Keith hugged back.
“I should’ve listened to you from the beginning, Shiro.” He said.

Lance walked up to them and linked his arms with Keith’s. “What do you say to being our royal advisor?” Lance asked Shiro.

He smiled. “I would be honored your majesty.” Shiro replied as he bowed to Lance.
Lance chuckled, “You may call me Lance.”

Hunk then ran up to him. “Can I be your royal chef? I found out I am an excellent cook.” He asked.

“Of course!” Keith replied.
Matt then said, “I can be your royal scientist! I done so many experiments it’s crazy!” He said.
“You bet!” Lance and Keith said.

Hunk then formed a group hug. “Looks like we’re going legit guys!” he said as everyone laughed.

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