Chapter 5

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All was great until,
“THIS WAY!” a voice of a guard came.

Keith and Lance jumped.
“They’re after me!” They both said. Quickly, they looked at each other in confusion.
“They’re after you?” They both said.

The guards were coming closer.
Keith had an Idea.
“Do you trust me?” he asked Lance holding out his hand.
“I guess…yes.” Lance replied as he grabbed Keith’s hand.

Keith pulled Lance towards him as they jumped down a building landing on a pile of clothing.

Thinking they got away, they ran into the head guard.
“I see you have a new partner in crime, Street rat!” he said grabbing Keith.
“Let him go!” Lance said as he took off his hood, revealing himself.

The head guard stared at him in surprise. “Prince Lance!” he said as the other guards bowed down.

Not far from them, Lotor and Coran spot Keith “There he is!” Lotor said as he began to disguise them both as old men.

“You must release him immediately!” Lance commanded. The guard struggled to find his words. “With all do respect, your highness, My orders came from Lotor.” He said.

Lance looked at Keith. “I didn’t know you where the Prince.” Keith said.
“Of course you didn’t.” Lance said back. The head guard grabbed Keith. “Escort the Prince to the palace.” He ordered. They grabbed Lance and began to walk him back.

The head guard took Keith and pushed him to the ground. He lifted his sword until,
“Wait!” he heard. He turned to see two old men. “I can pay for his crimes!” The man said.

The guard looked at him “Who are you?” he asked, gently putting his sword down. “The boy’s uncle.” He said.

Keith played along “Oh yeah!” he said, scrambling over to him “Hey uncle! It’s been so long I hardly recognized you!” Keith said.

The man threw a bag of coins to the guard. “Consider this your final warning.” He warned as he walked off.

Keith let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he thanked. “But who are you and why did you save me?” He asked. “Follow us and we’ll explain.” The man with a mustache said.

The three walked off. The left the city and walked into the desert. “Now you see, there is a lamp I need you to get.” Lotor said.
“Why?” Keith asked. “Sentimental value! With great treasures for a certain…Prince.” Coran said.

Keith remembered Lance and agreed to keep going. They kept walking as they got to the hills of Altea. They stopped right in front of a cave.

Keith walked up and a voice roared.“WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER?” The cave spoke.
“It’s me, Keith!” Keith called out to it.

A bit of silence came until. “YOU ARE THE DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH! YOU MAY ENTER.” The cave opened up and Keith ran in. “Fetch only the lamp!” Lotor called.

Keith Entered and looked around. Treasure all over the place! “Whoa,” Keith said in awe. “My buddies and I would love this.” He snapped out of it.

“Now the lamp should be-“ he turned to see the lamp. “THERE’S A LAMP DOWN HERE BUT IT DOESN’T LOOK LIKE ONE. NOT MUCH TO LOOK AT!” Keith called out. “Yes! Bring it to me now! Lotor replied.

Keith went to grab it until he noticed a sapphire necklace that reminded him of Lance's blue eyes. “For a certain Prince…” He said.
Keith touched the necklace then suddenly, “YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURES!” The cave roared.

“I WASN’T GOING TO TAKE IT!” Keith yelled out. The cave began to close in. “YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!!!”

“NOOOOOOOO!” Keith, Lotor and Coran all yelled. The cave closed, trapping Keith in. Lotor and Coran could only stare.
“No! The Lamp!” Lotor said as he and Coran ran back.

*Vote and Comment. Also 46 reads already? Within a week? Thanks....*
Also the reasons ehy these chapters come ou quickly is cause school is almost done and I can be a quick typer.*

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