Chapter 7

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Lotor walked back and forth in his lair, trying to figure out how to get the lamp.

“What do we do, Sir?” Coran asked. Lotor was about to answer until a knock came from the door.
Lance walked in with an angry mood. “Lotor!”

“Prince Lance!” He said as he bowed to him. “What can I d-“
“Did you ask the guards to arrest an innocent boy from the streets?!” Lance asked very upset.

Lotor was about to speak until Queen Allura walks in. “Lotor, Are you aware of a boy arrested in the market place?” she asked.

“Yes My Queen. The guards brought the Prince’s kidnapper to me.” Lotor said as he bowed to the queen.

Lance groaned “I wasn’t Kidnapped. I ran away, and the boy was named Keith!”
Allura turned to her son shocked. “You ran away?!”

“Oh dear, We should’ve known before we sentenced him.” Lotor said. Lance turned to him with a upset and confused face. “What sentence?” he asked as he wanted to know.
“Why death of course.” Lotor answered.

Lance gasped and began to cry. “No! No HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!” he yelled as he cried.

Allura turned to Lotor. “Lotor, From now on you are to discuss this type of situation with me.” She said trying to comfort Lance.
“At least some good will come to me being forced to marry.” He said wiping his tears.
“When I am King, I will have the power to get rid of YOU!” Lance shouted as he ran off.

Allura followed. “My Apologies, Your highness.” He called out.

Lotor continued to pace around. “Without that lamp, I can’t be King of Altea!” Lotor said.

Coran then had an idea. “Sir! If there aren’t anymore suitors for the Prince, Maybe YOU should marry Prince Lance.” He suggested.

Lotor stopped pacing around and smiled at the idea. “That is a great Idea, Coran! I can just Marry the little brat and all of Altea will be mine! Good work, Coran.” Lotor said as be began to let out an evil laughter. “First we will have to make some changes.” He said.
In Lance's private chambers, Axca massaged Lance's shoulders as Ezor and Zethrid fanned him while Lance sobbed uncontrollably. “He’s sentencing an innocent boy because I ran off with him.” Lance cried.

“Lotor is an idiot.” Zethrid said.
“I never should have left, then Keith would be safe.” He whispered as tears ran down his face.
Axca stopped massaging him. “Oh Lance, you just wanted to see the world and you did.”

“But my mother doesn’t know how most of her subjects are living out in poverty or on the streets! It’s not fair! Why should some people actually live in a home while others, even children, have less or don’t have any and are begging and searching for food?!” Lance said while getting up from his seat and sitting on his bed.

“Lance?” Ezor asked, making sure he was okay.
“Please, I’d like to be left alone for a while.” Lance commanded. The attendants bowed to him and left.

Blue made her way to Lance. The big lion jumped onto the bed and cuddled by Lance. Lance lied down next to Blue and began to pet her.

“Oh Blue, what do I do?” He asked as Blue comforted him.

Meanwhile in the throne room, Lotor handed Allura the ancient Laws. “My Queen,” He began. “I have looked through the Law, and I have found that if the Prince doesn’t marry by the next moon, he must marry the Grand Visor!” Lotor said happily.

Allura looked through it and found it written in there. “But Lotor, you’re a little too old for my son. Are you sure?” Allura asked.

Lotor used his staff and Allura stared at it. Lotor began to hypnotize her. “You’re son will marry me.” He said. “My son wil-“ every thing was interrupted by the sound of the palace door knocking.

*oh boy....i wonder what will happen.*


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