Having Fun

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The next day started off without a hitch. Thankfully they actually listened to me but now it was time to put my plan into action. "Alright boys get into civilian gear we're going on a field trip. Meet back here in an hour. I expect you to be ready by then." After speaking I then turned around and walked outside, I had already sent word for what I wanted to be done. I simply sunshined home leaving behind a small pile of snow. When I went home showered and changed into some loose black shorts and a black tank top. The top had a quote by Oscar Wilde written on it that said 'I don't want to go to heaven none of my friends are there' my favorite shirt might I add. I grabbed my wallet and shoved it in my back pocket. A small switchblade hidden in the waistband. I put on my combat boots shoving some kunai in the back next to my heels. I grabbed my kunai holder and wrapped it around my right thigh the Sakura blossom tattoo on it peaking out slightly from under the holder. I sunshined back before the hour mark was up.
After a bit of waiting all the boys came back in their civilian clothes but since their still in training they had to keep their masks on otherwise. Well....heh I won't ruin the surprise.
"Alright boys follow me and this is a mock mission so you have to do everything I say. Now as anbu there will be times where you have to be undercover as regular people. In other words you have to find a way to hide who you are without using any jutsu and today your all gonna learn how to do this, so I suggest you listen to your teachers and take mental notes so in the future you don't die." As I said this my "invisible" clones slowly took each of their clothes off except for their boxers as we walked down the street while they didn't even notice. Expertly they ignored the giggling civilians simply staring straight ahead and following me. I smirked 'well at least their learning's I thought to myself happily. I grinned as we arrived at The Butterfly and turned around to face the now practically naked men in front of me. "Welcome boys to The Butterfly remember you are being tested and you will listen to and do everything your sensei tells you to. Of course they have their limits." I grinned evilly as I opened the door "come on in boys." As soon as all of them walked through the door I slammed it closed. My transformed clones inside recording and taking pictures for blackmail later, I made some handsigns and the seals around the building started to glow trapping the anbu inside. I took a deep breath and screamed "there all yours girls! Enjoy!" Soon I heard multiple voices giggling 'aand three, two, one' "ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I cackled as I walked away hearing the screams coming from the building. 'Time for part two' I thought to myself as I remade some clones they nodded toward me and ran off in different directions. After a couple of hours I came back to The Butterfly now with a line of people waiting for it to open. Two of my clones stood by the door the others had dispersed a while ago. I blinked as one of the clones inside poofed out of existence. I grinned and nodded towards my clones, they smirked and stepped aside as I took the seals off the building. "Remember ladies and gentlemen take as many pictures as you can but most of all please enjoy yourselves tonight and don't cause any trouble."
(Third person shift)
As the line of people dwindled inside. Skye disappeared inside with them almost all her clones popping to give her back some much needed chakra. Many people still filtered through while most tables were being seated and served. It seemed thou that all the ladies decided to not dress up today and instead of their beautiful curls and hair in extensive styles and length. They were walking around with their natural hair without any wigs on. Their hair ranging in colors was mainly short almost like a buzz cut, some had natural long hair but it was up in simple ponytails. They still wore their heels and instead of dresses and skirts, they were wearing black slacks and long sleeve white button up shirts that clung to their skin. They didn't have an ounce of makeup other then maybe some lipgloss all in all they were masculine surprising Skye. Around her many shinobi sat talking amoung themselves or their friends around them most had a drink in their hand or were calmly eating different food set in front of them. The Butterfly was huge small lamps hung from the ceiling and wooden tables filled it. The walls had different glamour shots of all the girls in their best poses with their stage names underneath. Speaking of the stage; it was placed right in front of the tables small lights were dotted along the bottom and stage lights lit it up drawing people's eyes instantly for a moment as it glowed. Red curtains lined it up covering what was behind the scenes. And a single microphone stood on it's black legs at attention right in the middle. A man wearing a suit and tie started to walk on to the stage bringing the smallest attention to hidden stairs. He walked to the microphone and it squealed as feedback rang out. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to The Butterfly I am your host and owner of this bar Maki. Now usually the servers around you and I wouldn't look like this." He gestured to himself or rather his clothes and then continued, "but today we have a treat for you. So get your cameras ready and may I present Kohonas' Anbu." He finished and then folded one arm and bowed the curtains behind him slowly lifted as he then walked off the stage mike in his hand.

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