Lip sing for your life

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"All right for those of you who are new here we have some rules. First rule we love attention so we wanna hear you scream and clap to your hearts content. If you like a bitch pay up, if you really like a bitch pay up and if you hate her give her a twenty and she'll leave your ass alone. But enough of that let's give it up for miss rabbit!" Maki declared, instantly the lights dimmed and the bar was filled with with noise from the crowd.

Music started up in the background as a woman with long black hair and black rabbit ears sticking out from her head came strutting out in a tight leather leotard, the shoulders sticking out in a point. Large breast could be seen through a small window on her chest. Black stockings shimmered under the lighting her hips swayed to the beat of the song, black knee high four inched boots created the rest of her ensemble. Her eyes a vivid green. Purple eyeshadow making them pop and painted lips moving to Britney Spears 'Womanizer'. She constantly danced intune with the beat weaving in and out of tables briefly staying in place whenever a patron offered her money. Then she would move randomly back up to the stage among the hooting and cat calling whistles at one point she shed her jacket leaving her shoulders bare while still moving in an enticing way. It was beautiful, many eyes stayed on her until she once again hid behind the curtain while another Lady took the stage.

This one had a pair of grey cat ears atop hair spun of gold and a long red sparkly dress she didn't strut instead she glided to the stage and smiled at the audience. Her performance was more subdued but filled with hilarity by her gestures for the song. She would go down and sing to a patron for money if she saw it but it was slower and not as many offered unlike with rabbit. She bowed before hiding once again back stage.

Then came the first King of the night Mr Lion walked like an aristocrat, self assured and proud. His red suit gleaming under the light like fire, his black fedora sliding off in a smooth motion as he danced and sung along with Michael Jackson. Much like the ladies he danced between tables taking money and placing it in his hat instead of his hand or cleavage. Different animals preformed throughout the night dazzling the patrons some performed more than once in a different ensemble. The night was magnificent and Maki was sure to get many returning customers for the future and the shinobi learned a valuable lesson in humility.

The next day I had them report on what they learned and how they could use it on missions. Some said it was a great tool in espionage if they were in an establishment of that sort the women lion, panther, eagle, and scorpion felt it would provide them with protection against unwanted suitors while on the road. Still I was satisfied it had gone well. After many months of training and vigorous testing they were ready. The hokage inspected them as they passed with flying colors while I stood like a proud parent in front of them. Soon they left on various missions outside the village gates.

'Time to go mess with dad' I thought to myself as I jumped along the rooftops. I slowed and suppressed my Chakra to that of a civilian as I stalked around my fathers usual training ground. My feet soundless as I weaved in and out of tree branches. "One thousand years of pain!" My fathers voice stated as a boy flew over my head screaming in pain while holding his ass and crying. My eye twitched I couldn't help but let a kunai fly at his position. He substituted himself while i made myself scarce, i decided to sit by the bell the usually set up and began to eat one of the bentos I had made this morning.

I heard the sound of giggling and stared at the blond drooling over the other bentos "I wouldn't do that he'll catch you and tie you up." I stated calmly ignoring his jump.

"Rule number 1 always be on your guard." I said after swallowing my current mouthful of rice. "Who the hell are you dattebayo!" The kid screamed while pointing at me, I rose an eyebrow "rule number 2 blend in, don't be loud or your enemies will find you." I stated before he dropped like a pile of rocks as my fathers clone squeezed a nerve that made him instantly fall asleep.

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