Haruhi, i love you, but you're a cluts

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"That was at least 8 million yen!"
Oh no
I turned to haruhi and she twitched and started to panic.
"How many thousands are in a million?!" I heard her ramble on. Suddenly the blonde moron sat down in a random throne and crossed his legs.
"When in Rome do what Romans do" he began.
"That's mean you'll have to pay with your body"
Wait what? What the hell nah
"You 2 are now the host club's dogs!" I watched as Haruhi grew white. Then she passed out.

Time skip

"Huh What is it?"
"Instant coffee what else does it look like?" Haruhi asked with her eyebrow twitching.
Apparently the host club thought that Haruhi was a boy- Well I'm pretty sure glasses knows she's a girl but otherwise that...
"I can take back if you want geez"
"No...I shall drink this coffee" the ladies and some of the hosts clapped in amazement.
"These damn rich people" Haru-San said and I nodded in agreement as I played on my 3DS.

"You know I haven't heard a word from you all day Y/n.." Tamaki stated. The twins incest thing was happening the glasses dude, Kyoya was talking with Haruhi making it seem...shady...
Tamaki snapped his fingers in front of my 3DS screen making me loose the boss fight.
Lost for the 7th time on this one.
"Now I have to recollect all of my items now...it took me a hour....." I whined looking up the tall idiotic blonde with a boo boo lip and tears pricked in the corners in my eyes.
He stared down at me like so:

I continued to pout looking up at him childishly almost

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I continued to pout looking up at him childishly almost.
Until his face became like this:

Then out of no where he picked me up and hugged me tight swinging me around making me drop my game

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Then out of no where he picked me up and hugged me tight swinging me around making me drop my game.
"G Gah! H Haru-San!" I shouted. He looked at me and ran over quickly.

After that situation got resolved.

"Now anyways,... you guys need a makeover or no girl isn't going to look twice at you!"
Wow. rude.
Haruhi did a little speech about beauty on the inside not outside. The twins walked by and saw Haruhi thinking hard as Tamaki was giving 'life lessons'.
"...how effective a glance to the side can be" Tamaki said when I snapped back into reality.
"Huh I got it!" Haruhi stated.
"Oh did I strike a stri-"
Tamaki went to his emo corner.
"You're a hero alright" the twins said out of no where.
Haru apologizes and tamaki's ego gre-
The twins stared at her without her glasses. Suddenly a whole mission was happening. The twins stole Haruhi from me so I chased after them.
I huffed as the twins hopped out of the changing room Haru was in.
I walked up to the curtains before the twins got an idea.
"Since you were part of the 'vase accident' you should help too!~" then they tackled me inside of a different changing room and tugged off my hoodie....showing the large scar across my chest.... they froze. I jumped up covering my chest and grasped the uniform out of their hands and kicked them out.

I walked out before Haru was done and the twins tackled me again and began fixing my hair. The other hosts walked in on it and I kicked the 2 off of me with a blush. I fixed the tie and patted around in my pants searching for my game.
"Looking for this?" The twins asked in unison and I glared at them as they held up my precious game.
I jumped to reach the game and of course them being taller then me they lifted it higher. I jumped higher before Haruhi came out. Since she was taller then me I pulled at her sleeve.
"Huh What is it" she asked turning to me. I pointed at the twins.
"Guys give his game back"
"Make us" they stuck their tongue out. I sniffed.
"Oh no" Haruhi said as the Host Club watched curiously what was gonna happen.
I hiccuped as my eyes got watery.
"Guys you should really give it back..!" Haruhi said with a sweat drop. I rubbed my eyes as the twins sweat dropped.
"Here here! You can have it back see! Don't cry don't cry!!!" Kaoru said panicking.
"Y yeah here you go!" Hikaru said as they handed me back my game. I took it from them and wiped my face clean and it quickly went back to its normal  one.

"So Haruhi, y/n, what hobbies do you have?" One girl asked.
"Y/n why are you attached to Haruhi?"
"So why did you guys suddenly decided to become hosts?" The girls said in unison.
Haruhi came up with an idea and told them about her mom and my family and stuff.
Hey I mean now I can play my games in peace now!

"Y/n you need to be more interactive!" Tamaki scolded me as I put my game away. The girls left after agreeing to come again tomorrow.
"And Haruhi! You were amazing! You are now the Natural Type!" He claimed.

Turned out the red headed chick was crazy and got water all over Haruhi. I almost knocked her out. Almost. If it wasn't for stupid Kyoya.
Haruhi changed into a dress cuz there wasn't any boy uniforms left and Tamaki was the final one to find out.

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