Dance Part 1

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Me and Haruhi were late only on the second day of being a host. We were studyin- Well she was while I was playing on my 3DS again and we lost track of time so yeah here we are running down the hall to Music Room 3.
We opened the door to find a jungle. I looked up from my game to see there was birds flying around.
"How did the staff let them do this??" I asked. We heard the usual 'Welcome'
"I could be wrong but my calendar says it's early spring" Haru said and I nodded putting my game away after saving it.
"Why be hiding in a bundle of clothing when you can experience nirvana in here!~ Our heating system is only the best!~"Tamaki said making his ego grow in size.
"And don't go questioning our club. You are the ones who owe us 8 million yen" Kyoya stayed fixing his glasses.
I was mesmerized by the animals the whole time before Tamaki mentioned about changing into costume.
I poked my head up to see they pulled out 2 costumes. A girly looking one for Haruhi and one that shows my chest for me....
"No" me and Haruhi said in unison.
"I see why Haruhi doesn't want to do it but you have no reason to miss out on it y/n-Senpai" did Kyoya just call me senpai? I grew a pink hue as the twins began getting touchy with me. They took the costume and dragged me to the changing room.

"I don't want to get in the costume..."I mumbled as we got into a changing room.
"We can just say the scar is part of the cosplay" Kaoru said and I slowly nodded. I pushed them out and got dressed. It was some necklaces and one of those skirt things everyone was wearing only it was a light green and it had a ribbon to tie at the back so I couldn't reach it.
"C can one of you come in and help me tie this thing??" I asked and they both ended up coming in fighting who got to tie it.
"It's not that big a deal to fight about...Kaoru just come over here and do it.." I mumbled and he did so as Hikaru pouted like a child. He tied the ribbon and I clipped the flower hair piece in my hair and blushed while the twins stare at me.
"C come on let's go..." I mumbled but their arms pulled me back one around my waist and one around my shoulders. I blushed a bit more as Hikaru pulled my chin up to face him.
"You know y/n...I was a little bit hurt you chose my brother over me"
"It's just a stupid ribbon I don't see what the fuss is about!" I shouted. This has been the loudest I have been since the host club first met me so the twins' eyes widened slightly.
"Nothing to get worked up about"
"Yeah, dido"
"Touché" Hikaru said let go of my chin. Kaoru dug his head into the nape of my neck.
"And...we would hate to see any one near our precious y/n...."Kaoru said and bit the corner of my neck leaving a mark.
"W what the hell?" I asked. We then left to the others as I held the spot.
The host club kind of went silent when they saw my scar.
"Don't worry it's part of the cosplay" the twins said in unison as I nodded in agreement.
"Hmm I don't remember adding a scar tattoo..." Tamaki said.
"Well it was there! So don't ponder it!" The twins said each with a sweat drop.

The host club is open for business

I sat next to Haruhi once more as the 3 girls from yesterday questioned the scar I had and why Haruhi wasn't in the revealing cosplay.
"It's just part of the cosplay..." I mumbled and the girls stared at me as if they had seen a ghost.
"You can speak?!~" they squealed repeating,'how cute my voice' was. Haruhi sweat dropped.
"Excuse me" me and Haruhi looked up to see a girl with short reddish brownish hair. I blushed oh ever so slightly making the hosts go like this:

 I blushed oh ever so slightly making the hosts go like this:

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Only Tamaki looked a lot more jealous.

Hmm but she's not a I wonder what she would look like as a boy...hmmm...

"Oh my shit"I whispered really quietly

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"Oh my shit"I whispered really quietly.
I wonder if she'll be trans in the future...Hmm...
Hmm this girl looks annoying tho.
"Haruhi I'm checking out the other hosts." I mumbled and she nodded.
I got up and walked over and spotted Honey. He was literally climbing the giant, Takashi, or known as to the ladies, Mori.
I wonder if he ever shows emotion...actually imagining him laughing gives me a shiver up my spine.
I continued to walk and heard Tamaki talking about a party next week.
Oh no do I have to danc- actually it might be fun...
I continued to walk and spotted Kyoya, I walked to him while staring at the twincest happening and the fangirls getting worked up.
"Showing some skin is popular with the ladies" Kyoya said out of no where. What the?? Is he reading my mind?!?
There was silence as I leaned up against the bar counter. Kyoya closed his notebook and looked at me from the side as I stared at the twins laughing with the guests.
"I have yet to hear you talk, Y/n-Senpai. I know you've talked to some of the other hosts but we haven't seem to have a proper conversation yet." Kyoya said and I turned and look up to him. I saw his eyes on my scar.
"Long story" I simply said. He looked up to me.
"What?" He asked.
"It's a long story how I got my scar and I'd feel more comfortable to share the story with you once you seem less mysterious and shady to me, I also don't want to lie and just say it's 'cosplay'" I have the explanation to him as he stared wide eyed at me. He fixed his glasses.
"How do I make you feel more comfortable around me?" He asked.
"Maybe you can start being less mysterious? Tell me something about yourself." I said looking back into his dark eyes.
"Well. My family focuses on medical treatment, both physically  and mentally an-"
"That's about your family! I want to know about just you! Like what do you do other then work at the host club??" I asked curiously.
"I....I sell stuff related to the ho-"
"Again?? Tell me something about! Not the hosts nor your family!" I said determined to squeeze something out of him.
He seemed taken aback.
"I take photographs..."
"See now we're getting somewh-"
"...of the hosts"
"Oh my god you seem lost without the hosts and family. DO YOU HONESTLY HAVE NOTHING BESIDES THOSE THINGS?!?" I asked with a sweat drop.
He just stayed silent.
It was...kind of.....funny actually....
I snorted.
"What?" He asked.
I began giggling to full on laughing.
"I i it's j just kind of're like the smartest guy tho you have no idea what you do with your life besides host club and family business...!" I said as my giggling died down.
"Ok this chapter is getting really long"
"What do you mea-"

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