Attack! Of The Lady Manager!

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I wore a purple and green kimono with black flowers decorating it. Haruhi wore a girly one that made the girls compliment her stating,'You look as cute as a girl' making my eyebrow twitch since she was a girl.
"N/n-Chan N/n-Chan! I can't find one of my sandals!" I turned around to face honey-senpai who was tearing up with one sandal in his hand.
"Hm? But you were just wearing it..." I mumbled. Then mori-senpai came in and found his sandal handing it back to him. They had their moment as I backed away ready to throw up.
I bumped into Hikaru and eyedrops fell out of his sleeve.
"Hm" I said glaring at the object then him.
" woman alive could resist a man at the brink of tears!~" he defended himself. Koaru came out of no where and they wrapped their arms around my shoulders making me slightly blush.
"That reminds me" Koaru said pulling something out of his sleeve. It was a little candy in a box.
"This is for you" they say in unison.
"" I asked entry looking at it.
"Awww aren't you cute!~" they said making me blush some more.
"Oh I didn't know you liked treats y/n!" 2 girls said coming up to me.
"W well not really...b but it would be a nice memorial for my older brother...." I stammered as the girls brimmed with tears.
"Hey the host club has a new guest." The twins said as the host club gathered around and looked at the doorway seeing a dirty blonde headed girl with a big pink bow in her hair.
Then the hosts started harassing her and she went off at Tamaki making him cry. Then she saw Kyoya and went 'lovey dovey' mode.

Now we were out of the kimonos and sitting down as Tamaki pouted about 'mommy not telling daddy his secret'. I sat next to him poking his cheek trying to make him laugh since it always got to Haruhi.
"IVE NEVER SEEN ONE?!?" The twins screeched. The girl decided she was a manger now..

I sat in between Tamaki and Kyoya on the couch as they discussed maybe having a lady manager was good and hen began talking about Haruhi I just spaced off playing my game.
"I made cookies!" The crazy otaku girl said opening the door.She day dreamed as Tamaki began harassing her again about being 'ladylike' and being 'moved'.
"I burnt them a little but I already know what you're gonna say!~" She daydreamed some more. I got the cookies and put one in my mouth.
"Mm. Chocolately" I mumbled. Tamaki was in the corner depressed and he twins smiled cheekily at each other. Hikaru said he wanted some and bit off the other end on my cookie then koaru came along and licked my cheek saying I had something on it.
Tamaki ran up to us and began hitting the twins and hugged me. I ate another cookie while they fought.
"EXCEPT FOR KYOYA ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS SUCK!" She said like that. I was too busy eating cookies as she judged everyone's characters, until she pointed at me.
"YOU! Actually what type are you??" She asked.
"The geek type!" Tamaki answered for me.
"Uh ok.." she trailed off.

Poof now we at a movie set. My 'dark side' was keeping a personal secret or something like that.
"...your know, it really pisses me off when people don't know their place." Honey said in his dark persona voice. The He started crying and apologizing. Renge got mad and shouted 'CUT' I watched as Haruhi came back over to where me, the twins, and Kyoya were. I stuck a thumb out to her.
"Good job" I said.
"Thanks" she smiled.
"Btw when you gonna give me my game back??" I asked and her eyebrow twitched.
"You need a social life besides talking to me and your cat!" She shouted making me whimper.
"Jeez, you don't have to be so mean about it..." i mumbled with a pout.
"Y/n!" I heard Tamaki yell. I look to see him walking over back from his scene of basking in the rain and embracing being called 'the lonely prince' no not 'a' he's 'THE' lonesome prince! Why am I overthinking this..?
Tamaki stood in front of me soaking wet smiling down at me. I blushed slightly. I handed him a towel.
"Thanks! And how was i?" He asked smiling cheerfully.
"Your persona was pretty cool..." I mumbled.
"Yeah! It's like I found a new dark side! So I'm gonna explore it!" He claimed happily. I tilted my head.
"'re already cute enough" I mumbled. Realization hit me hard as Tamaki blushed bright red and tackled me in a hug.
"Y/N YOUR SCENE IS ON!!" Renge shouted.
Saved by the bell..
I thought as I got out of tamaki's grasp,somehow...
"C COMING!!" I shouted.
I followed her voice and found her with two guys.
"These 2 gentlemen agreed to be apart of the film! We'll be needing tough guys for the ending scenes after all!" She explained about the whole mafia part as well and the 2 students didn't like that idea.
"U uh.. wait a minute Renge.." then Renge began pushing he guys around. The brunette dude pushed Renge and I swiftly caught her from behind.
"Y/n!! Are you ok!?" She screamed.
"Ow" I mumbled.
"I'm ok" I mumbled holding the back of my head.
"Hey y-" Tamaki froze. He saw me on the floor injured perhaps. And he got pissed. He pinned one of the guys against the wall beginning to interrogate him.
"Tamaki...Renge was just giving them a hard time." I mumbled he let the guys go and they ran off.
"Does it hurt?" He asked as he held me gently by my cheeks. I looked up.
"Yeah I'm just gonna have a headache for a while.." I said with a sweat drop. Tamaki hugged me.
"St stop with the stupid hugging." I said pushing him off of me.
"Don't scare me like that!" He pouted.
"Please.. PLEASE TELL ME YOU GOT THAT CAMERA MAN!!" Renge shouted and he nodded yes.
"Besides saying it will be a headache this could be an ideal scene now all I need now is Kyoya to-"
Kyoya smashed the camera lens.
"I'm sorry but I simply can't have violence in the film. Especially since Y/n got injured from it. I think you've caused enough trouble here Renge, please stop being a nuisance."Kyoya stated firmly that it was kind of scary. Then Renge went off on him saying how he was supposed to more kind and some crap. I stopped listening half way through when I was studying the way Kyoya was staring at me.
Is he worried about me??
I shook my head no to myself looking down at my feet.

"We bought the film!!" The girls squealed. Turned out Kyoya cut out the violent scene and sold it. Turned out Haruhi  gave Renge a speech at some point yesterday and now she's dragging Haruhi to her house.
"I ship it" I whispered.

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