Dance Part 2

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"Did she touch you?!?" I asked Haru as the others stared at me.
"Uh um j just my chin..?" Haruhi sweat dropped as Tamaki ate 'commoner's' ramen in a corner. I huffed before sitting down in a chair crossing my legs glaring with my eyes closed.
The hosts explained about a host hopping disease is. The Tamaki began going off at her about being a girl then pull out a picture of her in middle school. Then Tamaki began crying. Then formal dancing was the topic. With 'a refined gentlemen knows how to dance bla bla bla'
"Also....what did y/n look like in middle school..?" The twins asked. My eyes widened as Haruhi smirked and laughed evilly in the corner. Kyoya suddenly pulled out a framed picture of me in middle school...3 pictures... the first one I was posing with a peace sign up and sticking my tongue out with a smile and I had booty shorts on.... everyone turned their heads at me while I heard Haruhi laugh to herself in the corner. I did a nervous smile and sweated for my life. Kyoya showed the 2nd picture emotionless. It was me at the cosplay festival the school was putting on....I was in a maid's dress smiling with a random person.... the hosts looked at me again with evil smiles.... I blushed bright red as kyoya showed the last one. It was also at the festival but I wasn't in a dress...oh no....I was in a kissing booth. That I set up...with a long ass line of boys and girls (mostly boys). The hosts stared at me while Haruhi began telling the story of that.

Time skip

Haru-San danced with that one girl that likes her and since I had no experience in dancing I also had to practice with someone... and that was well...all of the hosts... apparently.... they all wanted to dance with me but a lot of them are too tall to be a girl and honey was too short so I was left with...kyoya.
"Ugh you're still too tall for a girl..." I mumbled.
I could tell kyoya's dignity was draining quickly by him being in the girls' place. I sighed rolling my eyes.
"Hmmm I'm gonna dance with mori I haven't had a conversation with him yet..." I mumbled and left kyoya there. To die.
Anways I went up to mori.
"I give up being in the boys' place in the dance, none of the girls will probably wanna dance with me. And I notice I haven't had a conversation with you yet mori-senpai! So, dance?" I asked and he smiled down at me and put a big hand on my head making me giggle.

Host club thoughts:

Back to you POV:
I ended up dancing with everyone since they were all jealous. But it was fun! I think I'm starting to warm up to these guys...
I managed to make Tamaki no longer depressed and we talked while kyoya, Haruhi, and that girl spoke.
"So how have you been enjoying the club so far darling?" He asked me making me blush slightly.
"Uh what's with the 'darling' and y yeah I guess I'm warming up to you all!" I said smiling slightly.
"Kyahhhh~ so cute!~ oh I know! You should wear shorts at the formal dance!~" Tamaki said rather loudly catching the other hosts' attention, I felt them glaring at Tamaki.
"W what why?!?" I asked.
"Well clearly because you're so cute in them!~" he said booping my nose making my face flushed.
"And don't worry I'll supply you with your clothes!~" he said with a wink as I looked away.
"Uh ok just don't make me wear girl's clothing..."

~!The Dance Finally!~

I wore the shorts and a purple dress shirt with a black tie and suit jacket.
Tamaki did the announcements and stuff then the dance had officially begun!
I just wanna hide in a corner and play Zelda....
I thought. I saw very few boys in the crowd. Either dragged here by girlfriends or... hm they are all pretty cute. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around seeing Mori's hand out asking me to dance. I saw the other hosts pout but quickly got over it since they had a job to do.
I blush and took his hand as we got in the crowd and began dancing, me in the fricken girl's spot. Ugh whatever. Hm? Mori pulled me closer against him as wild fangirls screamed shipping us for a while now I'm was...kind soothing...
Mori held my waist practically just below his waist since he was so tall, he held it tightly yet gently. His hand was loosely laced with mine as all other sounds of girls squealing, talking, and music was blurred out.
Mori was smiling down at me but it was somehow a different smile and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not.

I danced with some guests. Some were boys. Some were girls. It was alright, even though I had to be in the girl's spot for my male guests. Now I was in the corner.
Where's Haruhi???
I asked myself, I seem to have lost rack of her and now I can't see her in the crowd of people or find her. I covered my eyes and formed into a little ball.
"Hm? Y/n are you ok?" I heard Tamaki's and I looked up at him.
"Where's Haruhi?" I asked.
"Oh she's part of our plan to get the tea cup girl and tea cup boy together in a happy relationship!" I hit him upside the head.
"Stop putting her in your stupid plans!!" I shouted.
"....But do you want this dance..?" Tamaki asked as a different song began to play. I blushed lightly.
"Don't you have like. 20 girls waiting to dance with you?" I asked nervously taking his hand and walking back to the crowded dance floor.
I heard girls scream and such as Tamaki wrapped his  arm around my waist pressing himself against me. I blushed a bright pink hue as he took my hand and we began dancing.
I was going over how to do it properly before I accidentally stepped on his shoe.
"S Sorry Tamaki!" I said looking up at him nervously and he only chuckled.
"It's ok my kitten~" he said taking his hand out of mine and holds my chin pointing me to look into his eyes. I blushed and directed my eyes looking away from his flirty face. He leaned his head in closer to mine and I nervously closed my eyes worried what he was gonna do. He pecked my nose. I opened my eyes as he pulled away smiling at me while I blushed a dark red touching my nose.
He leaned over my shoulder to my ear.
"Now stop being so damn cute. Or else the other hosts will take you from me~" he whispered and bit my ear making me gasp. He chuckled at my response  and stood back up with a wink.
"Thank you for this dance~" he said and left to some other guests. I had a bright red tomato face. I heard so many girls squealing.
"Y/n are you alright??" A girl asked.
"Yeah you have a bloody nose!" A other girl said. I touched my nose to feel the warm liquid, blood. I mentally groaned in embarrassment.
"Uh can you girls. Tell the host club I'm going to the nurse's office?" I asked and they nodded their head.

For the rest of the dance I was in the nurse's office with a nonstop bloody nose.

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