The Visit From The Host Club

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Fuck I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever but I had so. Many. Tests. I have 1 or 2 left tho
"HARUHI! WE MUST VISIT YOUR HOME!!" Tamaki shouted out of no where as I stayed slouched comfortably on the sofa playing my games.
The twins turned their heads to face the boss instead of watching my gameplay.
"YEAH!" They agreed.
"Sorry guys but I have a lot of chores to do this weekend..."
"I live with her" I mumbled.
"WHAT?!? HARUHI YOU NEVER TOLD US?!? YOU TOO Y/N!!!" Tamaki screeched clearly 'hurt' by 'his daughter's lies'.
"Psh no he doesn't. He lives next to me. He just spends a lot of time at my place since he doesn't know how to cook and can't be left alone in his room for a long time or 'it' will happen again.." Haruhi sighed growing an irk mark.
"Huh? What's 'it'??" Honey questioned.
I flinched at 'it'. Kyoya furiously wrote in his notebook or should I say deathnote since I'm pretty sure he's Kira.
"It's when he has a mental breakdown by his pas-"
"HARUHI STFU!!!" I shouted in a high pitched tone throwing my 3DS at her. She dodged it with ease making me huff and cross my arms laying back on the fluffy pillows.

Weekendddd Time skip
Haruhi's POV:

I was on my way back from buying groceries and I heard a painfully loud, obnoxious, familiar voice.
" don't go saying anything mean she is a commoner and-"
"It's too late now" I said with my brow twitching as I clenched my bags.
They seemed to have froze over.
"O oh hi Haruhi..." Tamaki greeted nervously.
"You guys better leave right now!!" I shouted.
"What?? But we came all this way!" The twins said in unison as the host club followed me to my apartment.
"In and out, 3 seconds then you guys have to leave" I said.
"I brought cake though Haru-Chan!" Honey senpai stated holding up a box. I sighed calming my nerves down and opening my door.
"Fine I guess I'll make some tea then..." I mumbled.
"Haruhi! Did you get my-" Y/n cut himself off as he came around a corner in just a pair of short shorts and his black cat hoodie. I saw his smile go to his emotionless face seeing the host club here.
"Why are they here" he asked making me sigh.
"OHMYGOD YOU LOOK SO CUTE Y/N!!!!" Tamaki squealed hugging him. Everyone was apparently blushing at his current state as Tamaki screamed. Y/n pushed him off.
"I'm going back to my place..." he mumbled as he went into the dining room and came out with his cat.
"Gassssp YOU HAVE A KITTY!?" Honey squealed running up to the cat and petting it and all of its fluffiness.
"Yea their name is (insert cat name)" y/n mumbled. Then proceed to walk out the door. I grabbed him by the hood.
"If I have to deal with these guys then you do too!!" I threatened making his eyes widen slightly.
"But haruhiiiiiiii!~" he whined.
"No. Buts!" I whispered and he sighed walking back to the dining room where the host club was at.

Your POV:

I pet my kitty as I heard Tamaki and the twins talk about not being rude to Haruhi.
"N/n Chan do you want cake?" I turned to honey who I sat besides and he had a box opened with many small cakes.
"Hm. you have Hawaiian cake?" I asked, he nodded with a smirk as he handed me the cake slice.
Haruhi came in and gave everyone in.
"I'm keeping you here to help me y/n..." Haruhi sweat dropped staring down at me as I drank the tea. I looked up at her slyly.
"I'm entertaining them" I mumbled.
"Really? Cause it looks like you're eating cake." She pointed out, I blushed and set the yes down as she sat next to me. Honey also gave her a slice of cake. Then lunch came to the topic.  Mentioning to order sushi and such.
Haruhi grew an irk mark.
"Hey how about y/n makes food! He's really good at it! You can make your famous (insert meal)" Haruhi claimed and the host club all turned to me. I sweat dropped.
"Damnit Haru chan." I said standing up.
"Fine i guess I'm going to the store" I said angrily stomping out of the dinning room.
Ugh my weekend is ruined. I didn't want to do anything.
I thought as I slipped my sandals.
"A commoner's store?"
"This could be a useful experience"
"YAY COMMONER STORE IM COMING TOO!!" The host club stated. I sighed.
Then I felt a hand on my back as everyone was out the door by now.
I turned around to see Kyoya.
"Sorry if we're being a bother Y/n. But Tamaki insisted and he is the King" Kyoya said while smiling. I blushed slightly and brushed his hand away.
"'s fine"
It's not like I was going to visit my dad today...
I thought looking down. He walked out the door. I turned around noticing Tamaki was just here now. I went up to him. 
"O oh... hey Y/n I was just paying my respects to Haruhi's mom." He said while he was still sitting down. I nodded looking away.
"Hey, where's your brother's shrine? You mentioned...him...before" he trailed off and I rolled my eyes.
"Tch. I don't have one for him...he's good for nothing. I have one for my dad..though.." I mumbled. He laughed nervously and stood up patting his spot. Then when he began to walk off he slipped on a banana peel and fell on top of me.
"Ouch.." I grumbled. As I opened my eyes I saw the position I was in with Tamaki.
"AH SORRY Y/N!!" Tamaki shouted. I blushed.
"G get off of me you pervert" I said pushing at his chest.
"Y/n I'm home! I found Haruhi outsi-"
Ooooohohohooooh shit
I thought as my eyebrow twitched. Haruhi's dad walked in on Tamaki on top of me. While I was pinned on the ground... yikes.
"E Er h hi" I stuttered to him. He stared wide eyed, or should I say she was...shook.
Tamaki started screaming.
Yeah keep on screaming if that's the last This you wanna hear I guess.
I thought snorting to myself.
Who I like to call Dad smiled.
"Oh no Tamaki you gon die"I said to him and his screaming turned into a high pitched air horn scream.
Dad walked to us and grabbed Tamaki by the back of the shirt and threw him against the wall... she picked me up by my shoulder as I sweat dropped.
"I left you and Haruhi alone last night you guys must've been lonely right?" He asked as Tamaki slid down to the floor.
I nodded my head slowly as my mouth stayed wide open.
Dad complained his shoulder hurts and was asking for a massage as Tamaki looked at us shocked with a over dramatic stare at us.
Then dad mentioned tea and Tamaki panicked at making a good first impression and started running around with the tea pot shouting making tea.
"WHATS THIS?!? IT SEEMS WE HAVE A LITTLE RODENT RUNNING AROUND!!" Dad shouted and slammed Tamaki to the ground. Haruhi walked in with the twins and sweat dropped.
"Haruhi help me" I mouthed to her and she grew an irk mark. Tamaki died inside right in front of me as the twins walked on him.

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