Physical Exam!

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I was in a butler's uniform like thing  with a pink apron around my waist. The hosts wouldn't let me be with Haruhi today, for some reason... so I was standing next to Kyoya who was selling picture books of the host club.
"...I even have a picture of y/n smiling and blushing~" I heard Kyoya say. I looked up from my game to glare at him.
"Bastard!" I said to him. He just did his weird fake smile the girls fall for and patted my head. I growled as I continued playing my game while he sold out.

"Physical Exam?" I asked. Everyone evilly stared at me, except Haruhi.
Physical exam...
"But it's required!~" Tamaki sang.
"Everyone that goes to this school, except for me and Haruhi, is rich as hell. So they must have their own doctor so why even have physical exam day? Just to make them feel good about themselves??" I asked. I huffed when I got no response.
"Haruhi I'm skipping physical exam day I'll be at ho-"
"No! If I have to suffer you do to!" She said.
The rest of the day the host club came up with a formation a thing to keep Haruhi's secret of being a girl a secret.

"What will the physical exam be like?"
"What? Just because we're rich doesn't mean it's any different from other physical exams"
"Huh ok"
I don't wanna be here. And Haruhi took my game away. God damnit

My eyebrow twitched as we walked in seeing a bunch of nurses and doctors lined up.
"What the hell?" I whispered.
Suddenly a nurse took Haruhi away from me. I inched into the shadows but a nurse came up from behind me and scared the crap outta me.
"Mr.L/n, follow me now for your measurements." She said.
"O oh  um hang I have to go talk with someone" I said and she nodded I went to find Kyoya but bumped into a weird looking doctor.
"Ah pardon me!" I quickly said. I continued to search before I finally found Kyoya.
I tugged his sleeve from behind. He turned around and lifted an eyebrow at me.
"U uh you mentioned a special boy's clinic before hand..? Can I do that too??" I asked. And he shook his head no and that moment my dreams died.
"Meanie!" I shouted kicking his leg. I ran off and the nurse from before found me again.
"Ok ok let's go" I said with a groan.
I followed her and I went behind a curtain to disrobe n crap. I heard girls forming outside my curtain and I sighed taking off my dress shirt and tie. I finished taking everything off, except my pants and crap of course.
I sighed. I opened the curtain blushing brightly. I saw the hosts in the background with bright pink faces. I crossed my arms as the girls squealed hurting my ears. I saw Kyoya taking pictures of me.
"HEY BAKA STOP TAKING PICTURES OF ME!!" I shouted with a pout. The girls went crazier. Ugh.

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