Orientation, dance costumes, and beach boys

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I pulled on a polo shirt and a pair of ripped jeans with my vans when my sis burst into my room with no invitation. "Hey! Do you know what knocking is?!" I exclaimed shoving her out my room. She pushed herself back in closing the door. "You get a summer job at the beach?!," she screeched. "That's so unfair! Your supposed to NOT enjoy your summer! Now you get to check out girls? Ew! I was enjoying your sadness!"

I laughed and pushed her out again. This time she didn't force herself back in. "Well toooo bad. Now if you will excuse me I have an orientation to get to." She huffed loudly and stormed off down the hall to her room. I smirked and headed downstairs and out the door to meet my parents in the car. They refuse to get me a car so I'm stuck driving with them or borrowing the car. I guess this job can help me save up for a car of my own.

"Ready kiddo?", my mom asked turning around in her seat to look at me. She half smiled when I nodded and turned back around.


When we got to school there was a sign up with "Lindgberg High School Summer School Orientation" in big black and red letters. The parking lot wasn't as full as I though it would be. Probably about 60 cars. I thought is was gonna be around 90 to 100 cars.

My parents told me to head in while they parked the car so they dropped me off at the roundabout and sped off. I walked in and headed to the gym. That's usually where they hold this type of stuff. The principal, a few teachers, and a bunch of students and parents were bustling around meeting each other when I walked in.

I feel downright awkward.

I walked to the seats trying to avoid anyone who even looked like they wanted to say something to me. I leaned back and took out my phone to listen to music.

A few minutes into some wonderful rap music and I was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. I looked up to see I guy who looked vaguely familiar. He sat down and smiled. "I'm Connor Sterling." Ah ha! I know who is know. He's that tall blonde hair blue eyed guy that goes here; a.k.a Mr. Popular. He's a freakin genius though. Why would he be here?

"Hey. I'm Jacob Hayes. What are you doing here? I thought you were.....not to be mean or anything but....a genius?"

"I wouldn't say genius,"he chuckled.

"I'm going to be a tutor and help around and stuff like that."

"They have tutors?,"I asked. "Yea we have 5 tutors; me, Ava, Justin, Jocelyn, and Mathew."

"I have no idea who those people are but ok." "Ya well it's nice to meet you Jacob.....right?" I nodded and he stood up walking over to who I assumed to be the other tutors.

My parents came in after that sitting next to me as the meeting started.


Orientation was finally done! Hallelujah! It was as boring as my sisters one direction CDs.

I got home and went to my room and sat down looking through the packet they gave us.

Load. Of. Crap.

I don't even need any of this. I felt my phone buzz in pocket so I took it out to see who it was. I picked up because it was Aiden.

"Aye man. How was orientation?,"he asked.

"It was boring. Like...really really boring. I met this guy named Connor who's one of the tutors. You know Mr. Popular,"I replied.

"Connor Sterling?! Dude that guys awesome. He's an absolute chick magnet. He's a tutor?" "

"Yea. Anyways enough about me. How was your movie date with Jackie?"

"It was awesome. We were laughing almost the whole movie. Jackie almost got us kicked out with that laugh of hers."

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