Hangovers suck

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Ava's pov.

9:55 my clock read as I rolled onto my side.

Ah crap!

I slowly sat up my head pounding furiously. I'm gonna be soooooo late. I could barely remember anything from last night.....

I slowly stood up but failed miserably as I clawed onto the wall. The wall doesn't have handles though so I just went crashing to the floor.

Yup. That will help my headache.

I dragged myself to shower trying to take a quickie. I stepped out a few minutes later and dried myself off, pulled on some sweatpants and a t-shirt that said 'WORST BEHAVIOR' Drake's signature at the bottom. I didn't even bother with my hair. I just pulled it into a messy bun and slipped into a pair of white converse.

As I made my way downstairs to grab some Tylenol and a bunch of other headache medicine I had stored in the cabinet. My mom walked in humming a tune. I scrunched my nose and shut my eyes clapping my hands over my ears. "Mother stop humming. Everything hurts and your making it worse." "Oh didn't even see ya there dear," she said startled. "Be quiet. Be quiet. Stop humming. Stop moving. Stop everything," I whispered. I slugged out the door with my bag and hopped in my car.

Should I even drive?

I really don't care right now...


Jacobs pov.

I fell out of bed my head pounding in pain. It was 9:55 and I was definitely gonna be late for class.

I went to take a shower and pulled on some jeans and a random white t-shirt with my black sneakers. My hair fell messily in my face since I hadn't even bothered to fix it or dry it.

I headed downstairs to grab some medicine and drink some water and was stopped by Caitlyn.

What a surprise...

"You look like you were hit by a train and thrown in a lake!"

"Shut your mouth or so help me God that's what I'll do to you," I said in a menacing tone as I put my hands over my ears. "Someone got a hangover didn't ya?" I waved my hand at her and grabbed my moms keys to get to school.


When I got there I saw a yellow Mini Cooper pull up a few spaces down from me. The person got out and lazily walked to the building.


I stumbled out the car trying to catch up to her. When I finally did she said ,"Hey Jacob. I guess we're both late today. Probably for the same reasons." I nodded and stared down at her. She's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants from pink with a t-shirt that says 'WORST BEHAVIOR' and Drake's signature at the bottom and white converse. Her hair is still dripping wet like mine and tied up in a messy bun with no make up on.

She still looks pretty... How does she do that?

"Do you remember anything? From last night?," she asked looking at me. "Actually yea. I think I remember something.... You took at least 35 shots and I got punched in he jaw anddddd you and Connor were making out." She nodded simply and chuckled to herself. "Yeah I remember the make out part and the shots."

We both walked in to be greeted by the principal. "And where have you two been? Out partying?" We both looked at each other and smirked. "Yup. I'm very sorry though Mr. Anderson. It won't happen again," she said trying to look as serious as possible. He rolled his eyes and said,"Get to your classes and teaching please."

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