Netflix shopping and more Netflix

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Ava's pov.

'I woke up like this!'

'I woke up like this!'

'We flawless. Ladies tell em say'

'I woke up like this!'

'I woke up like this!'

I shot up from the covers looking frantically around my room. I spotted Parker leaning against my door holding up his phone as it blasted 'Flawless' by Beyoncé. "Why the hell are you in my room?," I groaned. "How did you even get in my house?"

I just then realized I was completely ungroomed and ducked back under the covers. He chuckled and said,"Your mom let me in and I wanted to find out if you wanted to go somewhere. Since we're suspended and all," he shrugged. "Ya ok. I'll just go take a shower and whatnot," I slipped out of bed trying to avoid him looking at me. I was wearing super shortie shorst with a skin tight tank top.

Oh gosh please don't be checking me out!

I ran to the bathroom to take a shower and jumped into a jumper. Haha jumped into a jumper. I then tossed my damp hair into a pony tail and slipped into a pair of sandals. I didn't do my makeup this morning mostly because Parker had been waiting for half and hour now.

"Ready to hit the road?," he asked as I grabbed my purse off the vanity.


I was still pretty grumpy and tired so I didn't say much on the way to wherever we were going. Parker pulled up to a parking space in the mall and came around to open my door. "The mall?"

"Yeah I thought you might want to because your a girl and all," he said as we walked into the main entrance. "Then you have a lot to learn about girls Parker because not all of them like going to the mall," I pointed a accusing finger at him. "Oh sorry we can go somewhere else-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because I was already starting mine. "Lucky for you I love to go shopping. I just can't go longer 4 hours. My feet will die."

He looked relieved and we walked to one of favorite stores. "FOREVER 21!!!!," I squealed as I ran in to examine each piece of clothing. "You must really like this store," he chuckled. "I sure do..," I said in a dreamy tone.

I thought of a fun idea and skipped over to Parker who was still standing in the entrance. "Ok. Your job is to be a girl today. You have to help me pick out the cutest clothing and tell me if I look good in it or not." He shrugged and said,"Fine. Do I have to try on the cutest clothing also? I laughed and shook my head. "Your funny Parker."

We took at least an hour in Forever 21 just picking out the perfect outfits. Then we spent and other our trying the clothes on. Well I did. Parker just gave me thumbs up or down. "I really like these crop tops but I don't know if they go well with this white skirt." I twirled around in the fitted crop and skirt. "Well I like the blue stripped one and the red one with it but not the purple. That doesn't compliment you," he replied cocking his head to side as if picturing it in his head.

"When did you become the fashionista expert?"

"Since you told me to be one 2 hours ago."

After I had tried on at least 50 pieces of clothing we went to the cashier to pay. I had 6 bags full with clothes. I loaded up Parker with 5 of them while I carried one. He didn't seem to mind that I had made him my bag carrier.

As we walked out I decided to thank him. "Hey...thanks for carrying most of my stuff. And the fashion advice. And everything basically." "No problem."

"Now we go to Pink!," I exclaimed as the store came into view. "Now Parker. This is were I buy most of my lounge clothing and I lounge a lot so the majority of the bags will be from here," I informed him. He looked a little scared but quickly recovered and followed me in.


After 10 bags from Pink, 3 bags from Charlotte Russe, 5 bags from Sports Authority, 2 bags from Gap, 1 bag from Bath & Body Works, 4 bags from Lush, and my other bags from Forever 21 we headed home. I swear I spent over $1,000 in American money at the mall.

"You know you just bought a whole new wardrobe right?," Parker asked me as we threw all the bags down all over my room. "Yup, now we have about 3 hours to watch Netflix and then we have to do homework." I shuddered at the word homework.

"We have many days to finish homework lets just watch Netflix," Parker whined. I thought it over and agreed. I skipped back to my room to change into some sweatpants and a tank top.

"Ready for the marathon?"

"Hell yeah."

We both plopped down on the couch with chips, cookies, soda, and any other junk food you can think of. We started off with Sherlock mostly because it's my favorite show and also because Parker hasn't seen all the episodes.

When my parents came home at 10 p.m. Parker and I were sleeping on the couch with chip and cookie crumbs everywhere.

It was seriously one of the best days of my life.

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